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Radiation damage!


New Member
I've been getting radiation damage when starting the game (loading an existing game). If I exit and re-enter workshop mode several times rapidly it eventually stops after a few tries, but comes back randomly.

The radiation damage is ongoing/constant, ie it doesn't just zap me once then stop, it keeps going till I'm dead!

If I equip my jetpack (InvisiJet on Nexus mods), the radiation stops permanently but then I can't fly in workshop mode :(.

It's gotten to the point where I can only really play in permanent god mode now, extremely annoying to say the least.

This started somewhere around the last WS Framework update and I tried reverting back to older versions but it didn't solve the issue.

I also disabled ALL mods as a test but it was still happening.

Any ideas?

Thanks :).
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UPDATE: Removed mods InvisiJet & Jetpack Overhaul, entered game, made fresh save, quit to desktop and restarted - radiation started after entering workshop mode.
I had this issue as well on the previous version of WS Framework. Do you play with Conqueror as well by any chance? Cause I get this on my Conqueror character (although fast traveling to a new location makes it go away for me), but not on my regular Sim Settlements character (where Conqueror is disabled).
Hello, thanks for the reply :).

No, I don't use either Sim Settlements or Conqueror (whatever that is lol). I can post a list of installed mods if needed though.

I just started a brand new, totally vanilla game out of frustration (not one single mod!) - man building is so infuriating without PlaceEverywhere and Workshop Plus :(.
Hey, I am having a similar issue. When I load up my save I get hit by a constant 2 rads. I can fix it by entering workshop mode and switching the "fly" mode on and off or by fast traveling. But unfortunately this bug returns if I exit/enter power armor.
I tried loading earlier saves but I can't really pinpoint when it started happening.
Not sure if this is caused by WP but I only really noticed it once I updated SS WP and WF.
My character hasn't used a single jetpack yet so I don't think it's related to that known bug.
Well, I've had no problems since I started a new game, and I slowly added all my mods back into the game (plus a few new ones) - but absolutely NO Jetpack mods. Everything is working perfectly and I haven't seen the rads issue since. I'm too scared to re-enable the Jetpack mods to try though in case it returns.