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  1. ChuckDwhereareyou

    Adapted Fallout 76 Bloodied Build and Flying in Workshop don't mix well together...

    So a Bloodied Build from Fallout 76 basically means get enough Rads in your body that your health is permanently (well until RadAway'ed) around 20% (or enough for Nerd Rage to kick in for higher dmg and dmg resist). Plus you want to wear as many Unyielding legendary armor pieces as you can get...
  2. Feliksen

    Question War Never Changes patch

    Hello! After looking which of my mods interfered with Workshop Plus it seems to be the mod War Never Changes - Gameplay Overhaul None of the actions work such as undo or flying. Is there anyway to patch this? Can't post a link to the mod as i haven't posted enough yet.
  3. C

    Old Post Stuck with "god mode" outside of WS...

    I have been stuck in the god mode settings (flight, invisibility including my pip boy) even after exiting workshop mode and I have tried disabling and re-enabling WS+ and toggling the settings with MCM and I haven't been able to find a solution for it yet. I tried coc'ing around as well. After...
  4. B

    Radiation damage!

    I've been getting radiation damage when starting the game (loading an existing game). If I exit and re-enter workshop mode several times rapidly it eventually stops after a few tries, but comes back randomly. The radiation damage is ongoing/constant, ie it doesn't just zap me once then stop...
  5. SetArk

    Fixed Random Flying Building Plaque!

    Hail, there's this random Plaque, that randomly appears flying around my plots. It always read the same as the last plot Plaque i've readed. Here is a image of the flying Plaque xD