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Question on Commander Assignments


Active Member
I started a new game with the Atom's Glory Liberator faction pack (playing as that same faction). It's been going great so far exploring this new way of life, rads and all!

Question follows below:
I've completed the Food for the Troops quest and invited Rockatansky back to my main outpost base. I've successfully assigned her as the commander of this base, using the War Planner's Desk. I've also assigned her to a bar plot and a residence plot, but every time I leave the base and come back, her assignments to the bar and the residence have been cleared and she shows as Unassigned in workshop view. Is this expected and normal behavior for a Commander?
Excellent! May Atom Bless you and the glow be plentiful on your path ;)

Generally, the Commanders' days are full keeping track of the neophytes, so they can't manage another job as well. Let someone else take care of the drunks in the bar. The commanders function pretty much like the city leaders, and I have seen a few cases on these forums where players have managed to assign leaders/commanders to other jobs as well, but I think they only stay assigned to the extra jobs temporarily. She should claim a bed or a home though - maybe the unassignment from the bar caused the home to be cleared as well? You could try to assign her to the War Planner Desk. There are some posts here for Conqueror where warriors and guards get unassigned randomly, maybe this comes in play too? Is she the only one that gets unassigned from home and job?
Assigning the Commander to the War Planner Desk seems to be stable long term. Assignments for other NPCs at HQ are working ok. Thanks very much for the tip!