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Solved Quest Issues with new update


Ophelia and Maul are wondering away from HQ Jammer isn’t doing anything and there’s a cart with a radio in my HQ which looks to be a quest object but nobody is interacting with it.
Ok after reverting to an older save Ophelia and Maul are gathering in the center of HQ but they don’t say anything Jammer doesn’t join them and has his usual dialogue. Also Ophelia and Jammer both mention a new note on the board but there isn’t one.
One of the changes I made with the new quest framework code, is that if a scene won't start, you can sleep 24 hours and they will attempt to re-position themselves again, this will often get the AI unstuck.

The board thing is likely because prior to this patch there was a bug in the bounty counter. It will correct itself the next time you leave far enough to unload HQ.
I'm having the same issue with the raid board. I've tried fast traveling all the way to Warwick Homestead and back and Ophelia still seems to be stuck. Any way to get her unstuck in order to continue Bottleneck Blues?