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Question Potential Bug - Large groups of PO'd Minutemen loitering

I'm doing some of the newer (v. 407) quests including the one involving the mysterious supermutant. After the two visits to the area, there is a large (growing?) group of Minutemen loitering near a bus well after they should have moved on.
What option did you choose during the dialogue with Ophelia, was it return to HQ or stay and fight them?
I ask this because I had this happen during testing but was unable to replicate it.
I fled. There were quite a few of them and my character is fairly weak. I went back to that area later for Maul's quest looking for dogs. Noticed a flare go off and saw them still there. I'd swear the number had grown, but I'm not positive. I've been seeing that flare go off in that location for a few SS releases, well before the quest went live.