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[PC] Castle Size Not Resetting After Destruction


New Member
Title pretty much says it all. I used the "Local self destruct sequence" option with the holotape, and after everything had been destroyed the size hasn't reset. It's still about 90% full on the hud bar, and I really need more room than that to build up the castle.

Before I did this I selected the building plan for the castle and set a leader. Not sure if that has anything to do with the issue, but after the destruction was done I removed the leader again so as of now I am the leader again.

Thanks in advance, I've tried everything I can think of in the options and the size still isn't resetting.
You might use a mod to remove this limit: search for Settlment (the typo is intended) in mod browser.
open console and click on workbench:

getav 348 - Gets the current number of triangles used by player.
getav 34A - Gets the current number of draw calls used by player.

setav 349 <value> - Set the maximum triangle budget for the settlement.
setav 34B <value> - Set the maximum draw budget for the settlement.
open console and click on workbench:

getav 348 - Gets the current number of triangles used by player.
getav 34A - Gets the current number of draw calls used by player.

setav 349 <value> - Set the maximum triangle budget for the settlement.
setav 34B <value> - Set the maximum draw budget for the settlement.

I used these commands without issue. But now I'm wondering if the hud size bar will reflect the change or not? I'm not seeing much change if any in the size bar in the hud even after I more than doubled both values.
I used these commands without issue. But now I'm wondering if the hud size bar will reflect the change or not? I'm not seeing much change if any in the size bar in the hud even after I more than doubled both values.

Did you open the console and then click on the workbench? If you forget this step (don't ask) nothing will change...
Did you open the console and then click on the workbench? If you forget this step (don't ask) nothing will change...

Yeah I did. After doing some building though I think the height limit did go up. The size bar didn't reset, but it seems like it's moving up a lot slower than it should be and I already have the walls fixed, a very large two story building, and more.

So I think it did up the size limit, I can live without the size bar being correct. Thanks!
The height limit in settlements isn't affected by those options.

Only max polys and draws (which controls the bar in the hud meter)