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Patch 3.2.0 - Respect Your Limits


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Patch 3.2.0 is available!

Update available for Sim Settlements and Rise of the Commonwealth (no need to upgrade IR).

- Sim Settlements can now interact with the build limit.

- Plot buildings and upgrades can now occur remotely, meaning you won't have to wait for tons of plot refreshes when you return.

Click here for the full patch notes.
you're a genius! also kudos and sincere thank you for finally allowing me to remove an older mod that allowed me to manipulate the build limit without dropping dozens of guns everywhere. one less mod in the load order is a good thing.
I know what I'm doing as soon as I get home! Testing this bad boy out. Thanks Kinggath and team!
You shouldn't need to do refreshes anymore unless something went wrong. All plot and city building happens no matter where you are now.
Man, I thought some of my combined clutter meshes were bad with 50k polys and 40 draw calls, but then I thought to take a look at kgSIM_WeaponStore01_SA_L3_Clutter. 423k polys and 239 draw calls--wow, I don't feel so bad now. I suppose that's just the nature of the beast.

I like the news about the remote building stuff, though. Does this include the workaround for the RecalculateWorkshopResources() function that I described at the end of the post here, or is it still going to take a physical visit to the settlement before workshop values get updated?

edit: oops, slightly wrong link
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Ha - yeah I need to fix the weapon shop clutter - it's a crime atm.

No, the Recalc Workshop Resources is still on my list. I unfortunately used that function everywhere as I didn't know how flawed it was. I'm going to refactor everything and centralize a method of just altering the values on the workshop to make sure it works no matter where you are.
Ha - yeah I need to fix the weapon shop clutter - it's a crime atm.

No, the Recalc Workshop Resources is still on my list. I unfortunately used that function everywhere as I didn't know how flawed it was. I'm going to refactor everything and centralize a method of just altering the values on the workshop to make sure it works no matter where you are.

Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question but are these updates fine for 1.10.75 and up or should I wait till I update my game after F4SE updates?
SS works on any build from 1.9.4 onward - so all of the 1.10.X are good!
I'm going to refactor everything and centralize a method of just altering the values on the workshop to make sure it works no matter where you are.
Well, good luck and godspeed. That's going to be a whole lot of work.

Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question but are these updates fine for 1.10.75 and up or should I wait till I update my game after F4SE updates?
Generally speaking, nearly every "normal" mod isn't sensitive to game version as long as it's reasonably recent (say, 1.9+, or 1.10+ if it's an ESL). F4SE mods aside, only mods that override thousands of vanilla assets (e.g. UFO4P) or ones that fiddle with the UI (e.g DEF_UI) tend to need updating for new game versions, and even then it's usually not a big deal.
That likely won't be the case forever. Bethesda is slowly adding new Papyrus functionality to support Creation Club content - at least they have been for Skyrim. I have no doubt the same will hold true for FO4 at some point.
It won't give back unless you are at level 2 and give enough to get to level 3. This is intentional so that you can pre-donate enough to get up to level 3. There's not a great way to handle this otherwise due to the number of variables involved - it becomes virtually impossible to accurately calculate ahead levels.

The scrap giving different amounts of % is now working as intended. wim95 discovered a bug where SS had been treating all scrap the same, when it was supposed to be giving higher value to rarer materials.
Hey, King !

HUGE thanks for the great stuff !!
Two questions though:

1) Let's say i have a non-RoC settlement with some SS plots, some stuff built by me and 90% build limit. After "recalculation" i would still need to increase the limit in order to build more of my own stuff, even if "Respect BL" is "off", right ?

2) Does this update do anything to "excess water" problem in city plans ? People at forum keep saying that it will be fixed in future updates, but it's been 2 month and 6 updates since i founded a new RoC settlement. +100 water at level 0 settlements brings nothing but trouble... :(
Hey, King !

HUGE thanks for the great stuff !!
Two questions though:

1) Let's say i have a non-RoC settlement with some SS plots, some stuff built by me and 90% build limit. After "recalculation" i would still need to increase the limit in order to build more of my own stuff, even if "Respect BL" is "off", right ?

2) Does this update do anything to "excess water" problem in city plans ? People at forum keep saying that it will be fixed in future updates, but it's been 2 month and 6 updates since i founded a new RoC settlement. +100 water at level 0 settlements brings nothing but trouble... :(

The +100 water is a known issue and can be resolved. Please reference this thread:

Reconfiguring a city plan takes 4 or 5 hours, so the 100 water thing has been very low priority. It will be fixed eventually, but I’d rather handle it when we have other improvements to make to the designs.
Thanks for answers !

I know that solution exists, and i realize that my unwillingness to implement it is my own problem. Just a professional habit of not messing with somebody else's system. :)
So the question wasn't a complaint, but an attempt to find out whether and when an official solution is coming up.

Anyway, thanks for the great job.
Just as an update, as regards that weird plot update problem at Sunshine Tidings that Felicity_Bane and I were having, it's fixed now for me. Y'all kick a ton of ass. Thank you!
Hmm. Unlike the others, I am having tons of issues now with the latest update: plots stuck in upgrade mode and not completing; missing ASAMs; plots randomly resetting to a different plot than the one I currently had. In Sanctuary, I had an interior Scav Support plot that became a Woody's Lumber when I returned, but it still had the Scav Support assets, and it took me 5 tries to get it to stop displaying as Woody's Lumber, but then it got stuck at the scaffold stage of construction. ??? I tried waiting around in Sanctuary, but it didn't correct itself.
I then went to Abernathy and saw a housing plot stuck in upgrade mode. I refreshed the plot, and when it completed I had an empty plot but the plaque showed it as a Lvl 2 structure. ??
I'm getting huge delays in Survival mode displays letting me know when I need to eat or drink, or to acknowledge that I have had water or food.
In short, SS and RotC are not working as well as they did prior to the update, and I am no longer playing the game. I'm turning on my XBox, starting up Fallout 4, and either wandering around my settlement for 20-30 minutes real time, or going to do something else. Either way, I'm not playing the game. :sad