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Overrides, conflicts and other herbs...


Active Member
Support Team
Hi there,

First and foremost thanks for the add-on, enjoying it very much.

As it turns out I am currently wrestling with the tags etc, I am a little bit anal about these things, and that means I have to go through the esp in xEdit.

I have noticed that:

In the ARMO section there is an overwrite that undoes the changes from AWKCR and AE on 0017E917 (ClothesDog_BandanaBlue); this record is also used in the levelled lists of Far West Minutemen and in Crafting Mastery (all these have AWKCR/AE as masters and respect the edits.)

As adding dependency to AWKCR/AE on your plugin is not a great option maybe you can make a new record rather than overriding the existing one?

I have added the entry to my 'conflict solving' patch at the bottom of my load order for the time being.

In the DOOR section there are two seemingly random overwrites that are not referenced by anything:


In the FURN (Furniture) section:

0018E7AC (covenant bed) gets all its properties stripped and referenced in the WRLD (Worldspace) section, Covenant?

Not really clued in when it comes to external cell edits but... was this intentional? Did you... hate that bed?

Also there is an edit to one of SS assets: 0F013EB7 kgSIM_LORep_Mattress. No other addon in my list seems to reference this record, but you may want to make it a new record rather than an override just in case someone does.

IN LCTN (Location)

Two edits, was this intentional?

First one (00002CF0) oh boy that is a contested one... Heather Casadin and Elli's Armor Compendium also want something to do with that spot :D

Then... Concord? (00017E00)

The CELL section... cannot make heads or tails of that... placed some mist somewhere in Concord?


An edit to 000A7D75 referenced in the Cell section regarding some... light spot in some unused subway station? Sorry, as you can probably gather by now cell edits are really not my forte.

MGEF (Magic Effect)

000A7D76 CigarretteLightEffect, cannot see it referenced by anything at first glance but...


00058C7A, 0F003E79 and 0F00B11B are overrides, not unique records.


000B3432 as far as I can see only the EDID has been edited, but this record is referenced by everyone and his cat, including two other add-ons (Altairp's Animal Farm and Jose Cuervo's)

PACK (Package)

00089605 I have not the faintest clue what this does but both AltairP and you think that it shouldn't be like it was originally coded, just cannot agree on how it should differ.

In STATIC there are a bunch of overrides (13 I think) rather than unique entries. Some of them conflict with other workshop mods like Vanilla Extensions, others override SS assets.

I have tried to correct these issues in the aforementioned 'conflict resolving' patch but if at some point you could have a look at it that would be brilliant.
This is things I never changed or doesn't even recollect looking at. But I'll take a peek and see if I can fix them nevertheless. They will most propably come from another mod or even Fallout 4 itself and next time you, or I, download or upgrade, it will look the same. But, as I said, I'll look at it and fix what I can and then at least I know I'm not to blame. :)

Thanks for posting this and making me aware of the problems. :agree:
I just finished looking through this and with a lot of help from @Tinuvia I can now declare them fixed. I will take more care in checking the mod out before releasing it in the future. And these things will be all fixed on the next update. Thanks again @ApoAlaia for telling me all this.
Hi there,

First and foremost thanks for the add-on, enjoying it very much.

As it turns out I am currently wrestling with the tags etc, I am a little bit anal about these things, and that means I have to go through the esp in xEdit.

I have noticed that:

In the ARMO section there is an overwrite that undoes the changes from AWKCR and AE on 0017E917 (ClothesDog_BandanaBlue); this record is also used in the levelled lists of Far West Minutemen and in Crafting Mastery (all these have AWKCR/AE as masters and respect the edits.)

As adding dependency to AWKCR/AE on your plugin is not a great option maybe you can make a new record rather than overriding the existing one?

I have added the entry to my 'conflict solving' patch at the bottom of my load order for the time being.

In the DOOR section there are two seemingly random overwrites that are not referenced by anything:


In the FURN (Furniture) section:

0018E7AC (covenant bed) gets all its properties stripped and referenced in the WRLD (Worldspace) section, Covenant?

Not really clued in when it comes to external cell edits but... was this intentional? Did you... hate that bed?

Also there is an edit to one of SS assets: 0F013EB7 kgSIM_LORep_Mattress. No other addon in my list seems to reference this record, but you may want to make it a new record rather than an override just in case someone does.

IN LCTN (Location)

Two edits, was this intentional?

First one (00002CF0) oh boy that is a contested one... Heather Casadin and Elli's Armor Compendium also want something to do with that spot :D

Then... Concord? (00017E00)

The CELL section... cannot make heads or tails of that... placed some mist somewhere in Concord?


An edit to 000A7D75 referenced in the Cell section regarding some... light spot in some unused subway station? Sorry, as you can probably gather by now cell edits are really not my forte.

MGEF (Magic Effect)

000A7D76 CigarretteLightEffect, cannot see it referenced by anything at first glance but...


00058C7A, 0F003E79 and 0F00B11B are overrides, not unique records.


000B3432 as far as I can see only the EDID has been edited, but this record is referenced by everyone and his cat, including two other add-ons (Altairp's Animal Farm and Jose Cuervo's)

PACK (Package)

00089605 I have not the faintest clue what this does but both AltairP and you think that it shouldn't be like it was originally coded, just cannot agree on how it should differ.

In STATIC there are a bunch of overrides (13 I think) rather than unique entries. Some of them conflict with other workshop mods like Vanilla Extensions, others override SS assets.

I have tried to correct these issues in the aforementioned 'conflict resolving' patch but if at some point you could have a look at it that would be brilliant.

I wonder if the PACK (package) record is an AI/Behavior Package
I wonder if the PACK (package) record is an AI/Behavior Package

Perhaps... is one of those things that... 'I'm not quite there yet' :D

Either way it was an spurious edit and now is gone... bye bye PACK.

I seem to remember that AltairP was originally having some... issues with the dogs misbehaving (which ultimately prompted their removal); that would explain the edit in Animal Farm if some experimentation regarding their behaviour took place and this is indeed an AI record.