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Not a report more of a question (scrap bug)


New Member
Hi all, so I downloaded the core mod and was playing with it fine, building up a decent spot in sanctuary. So then I downloaded the bundle with the expansions, and I also realized that I wasn't actually using the leader trait system, so I put good ole Preston as my leader. It asked about doing the whole building plan thing. I said yes and all of a sudden boom "cutscene"! The settlement starts building itself. That's awesome, I was very impressed. BUT now, and I know it's been addressed, anytime I scrap something in sanctuary I crash to desktop. I read through some posts here and tried my own workarounds inside the game but I got now where. And I'm not really savvy on the coding side of things. So now the question and sorry if it has been covered already, but if I go back to core SS would that fix the problem? Unfortunately I lost the save from before I let ole Garvey jack it up lol.
but if I go back to core SS would that fix the problem?
The short version.. No.
The long version.. Unfortunately No.
So far the only known fix is to roll back to before the bug. Problem is the cell has become corrupt, and is not so much a mod bug, as a vanilla bug that is triggered by a mod doing..... something... Still haven't found exactly what does where to who.
But like a lot of Bugthesda's bugs, it could be a molerat with a fart cross ways in the Glowing Sea.
Thanks for the reply. It's not a huge deal. So far seems to only effect sanctuary. And as for your last sentence, I love bethesda's games but I can't think of a more accurate statement to sum it up haha!
If you keep on tucking with that save... be veeeery careful and pay close attention to the little quirks that "may" start popping up.
A corrupted cell is very bad and "can" start causing issues.

A little while ago I had Vault 88 go south... kept on going, Egret went wonky, the sleeping animation doesn't play anymore, Carla lost her brahmin (thank GOD), companion idle chatter stopped.. again a good thing...
Trashed it! New run! :)
If you keep on tucking with that save... be veeeery careful and pay close attention to the little quirks that "may" start popping up.
A corrupted cell is very bad and "can" start causing issues.

A little while ago I had Vault 88 go south... kept on going, Egret went wonky, the sleeping animation doesn't play anymore, Carla lost her brahmin (thank GOD), companion idle chatter stopped.. again a good thing...
Trashed it! New run! :)

Yea it got worse. It was a scrap crash. Now it's a " fast travel to or walk anywhere within 30 yards of sanctuary crash". Its spreading already. Its probably only a matter of time before it takes ol' red rocket. I fear it may be time to scrap the save. At least it's not hundreds of hours for this one.
Sometimes it's just better to write it off and start over. With Transfer Settlements that pain was lessened a LOT. LOL