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Old Post New Sanctuary Blueprint: Request for testers

C B Wright

Active Member
So I've created a Sanctuary build, and I would love some people to knock it around and test it.

Some notes:

1. It's very big.

2. It starts with only a few buildings and sort of expands out and up.

3. I'm pretty sure there's one plot that jumps around from stage to stage. Gah.

It requires the following:

  • Contraptions
  • Workshop
  • Vault 88
  • Sim Settlements
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Rise of the Commonwealth
  • Invisible Marker Pack
  • Trailer Park Dreams
  • Industrial City
  • Ruined Homes and Gardens
  • Sim Settlements Scrappers
  • Sim Homestead
  • JtBryant's Utilities
  • IDEKs Logistics Station
  • Another Brick In The Wall
  • PCDugAddons
  • Altairp's Animal Farm
  • Trailer Park Dreams
  • Brae's Defences
All feedback appreciated! I'm still trying to figure this out.

Remember that the add-on packs are only required if they add something extra you built manually in Workshop mode. If they just include building plans, you can tag those as optional which will make the requirements list less intimidating.
I can't remember if the required checkbox was chosen or not when I built the esm... but some of the agricultural plots need to be specifically what they are to avoid houses being filled with dirt.
OK, so I've already noticed something I need to either fix or work around. Apparently even on "Designer's Choice" it won't pick the plot type I used in the original build. This is going to be mildly inconvenient in later stages of the Sanctuary build, when I start putting farms of rooftops and every random mud farm selection creates huge piles of dirt that fill the houses. :)
If Designer's Choice isn't working - that's on me to fix!
Well this is my first time trying all this out so I can't be positive I didn't screw something up when making the blueprint. I'll load a clean game tonight using Eldarth's save game and start importing the blueprints in one at a time, make sure they're what they need to be, rebuild, and test again.
Just started (yet another) playthrough so I'll give it a try.
Does it have a player home/storage area and if not is there a safe place where I can build one?
If not I'll just have to live in a bunker again.
It does, but it's kind of threadbare. In the house just to the right of the path leading to the vault 101 footbridge there's a player-dedicated bed and some storage.

Im very concerned at this point that the settlement plan is too buggy to use. The problem is I can't find a way to see how the city levels up without playing the game to level it up. Right now I'm finding that enormously frustrating because I'm pretty sure I made a few assumptions while building that were flat-out wrong...
Just started (yet another) playthrough so I'll give it a try.
Does it have a player home/storage area and if not is there a safe place where I can build one?
If not I'll just have to live in a bunker again.
Also the two houses to right of nate&Nora's have nothing inside them, though over time a lot of stuff gets put on the roof.
@C B Wright There are some commands in the toolkit to help out with testing. You can try out a plan pretty quickly to make sure everything is working.
I've put the esp in my data directory, checked it in nmm but it doesn't show up as an option in city manager, just the rotc:sanctuary one
am I missing something?
If you don't have the required mods I think it doesn't show up.

I made the SS mods a requirement because some of the farm plots need to be specific types, otherwise the dedicated farmhouse gets covered in a mountain of dirt - but it may be the plot types aren't sticking anyway.
Right, I don't have the markers mod but all the others, figured I'd look anyway. OK
@C B Wright There are some commands in the toolkit to help out with testing. You can try out a plan pretty quickly to make sure everything is working.

So after going through the documents, these are the commands I've found:

  • add x settlers to settlement, for testing beds/resources
  • change level of all plots in settlement to match the city level you're working on at the time
  • get balancing recommendations for settlement
  • create scrap profile
  • take ownership of workbench in preparation for creating scrap baseline (which is the same command as creating a scrap profile, it's just done before building or scrapping anything)

What I haven't seen is how to set the city to level up from 0 to 1, 1 to 2, and 2 to 3.

My worry at the moment is that in some of those transitions I'm going to wind up with a few objects (and maybe a few plots) essentially standing in the same space. As a specific example, the level 0 version of the city uses a few gas-powered generators. At level 1, I swap those out with one of the city kit's generator models and a few power-emitting connectors, and then at level 3 those get swapped out with fusion generators. It seemed like a great idea at the time, but I've never seen the transitions, so for all I know at level three it's a fusion drive on top of the the frankenstein drive on top of a couple of gas generators, all sharing the same space. The best way to test for things like that is to trigger the transitions and just walk around and look for weird things.

Can this be done?
What I haven't seen is how to set the city to level up from 0 to 1, 1 to 2, and 2 to 3.
Can this be done?

It can, check the Supporting City Levels Tutorial. It should force the transitions and everything so you can see how it plays out.
Now that I have FINALLY found the things I'm supposed to read (and in the process discovered an important step I kind of, uh, missed) I'm working on a Sanctuary v2. Now with less broken! Hopefully ready this weekend...