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Modern Home Upgrades


I'm loving your modern home residential plot but it won't seem to upgrade past level 2 in the settlement it's in. I've refreshed the plot, refreshed the entire settlement, waited for about two game weeks, but no change. The settlement has full bars on everything but happiness (has been holding at 85 for the last 10 game days). Any thoughts?
Only has 2 levels I believe
That would be a problem then as my commercial plots won't be able to upgrade past 2 either :(

Thanks for the reply though.
no worries
I think having one or two at level 2 wont impact to much
Yeah...all 30 plots are of this type because I liked it the most and I was going for homogeneous housing. *sigh* Back to vanilla SS trailers then I guess.
O :( yeah that will be a problem :(
Kevbal hasn't been active latterly so I have no idea if/when he will update
last time i updated this mod there were no stage requirements. therefore my homes have 2 stages 3 if its a special home. Eitherway this mod is being taken over later by someone you know which will probably fix that for you.
giving up makes it sound as if I'm lacking something. I'll be back eventually. I never give up or quit. I store my projects for completion on another date that may or may not arrive haha.
ok sorry I mean you are taking a break. I hope you will still be sticking around the boards
giving up makes it sound as if I'm lacking something. I'll be back eventually. I never give up or quit. I store my projects for completion on another date that may or may not arrive haha.
last time i updated this mod there were no stage requirements. therefore my homes have 2 stages 3 if its a special home. Eitherway this mod is being taken over later by someone you know which will probably fix that for you.

kevbal, whatever you do I know many of us have and will continue to enjoy your work. Thank you for sharing it with us.

In all my hours in fallout (I don't want to say how many) one of the most memorable moments was not the finish. It was finding one of your dungeons, and being in such a complete state of wonder and surprise. Thank you!
Late comment: Can't you change commercial upgrade requirements to population in the settings? I'm not sure if it's a local setting.