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Why can't I use MAIM with Sim Settlements 2 ? I mean it's both my favorite mod but MAIM has a disease function, Same as Sim Settlements 2 has, only MAIM is far more superior. But when I use both I can't heal people because it keeps saying I do not have the medicine to treat the patient. Somebody know what to do, because settlers are dying from a disease i'm unable to cure do to a lack of medicine I can't get anywhere. And with people dying and having Crime And Punishment also in place settlers rather see me go then they welcome me. Plus the fact bounty hunters just love me for hunting me down to earn caps. Or should I disable the disease function from sim settlements 2 ?
I would first try disabling the disease from SS2. If that does not work, then you may have to make a choice.
Hello there. o/
I use MAIM myself along SS2 and have absolutly no issue, because MAIM doesn't actually add diseases. The only thing it ever does to NPC is a bleeding effect applied when they get body parts crippled. Settlers should be fine unless you also run rules or mods that don't make them essential.

As for SS2 disease system i'd recommend turning it off at first as you discover the changes it brings to the game. Especially along disease causing death, which make early game overly difficult. You can still reactivate both once you feel at ease with the new system. Just know that on my side, SS2 is pretty compatible with MAIM, nothing weird to report so far. Hope that helps.
Just tossing an idea out even though the scripts are already coded...

What if... The medical center when 'manned' will automatically cure patients(automated part) after ingredients are acquired to develop the cure(involves player). With the downside being... their plot type remains untended and doesn't produce anything until they are cured, or dead(if playing that and replaced). Ypu could... temporarily(role play only) by actually re-assigning another npc to that plot- like in real life(so to speak). At least until the npc is on their feet the they are automatically reassigned their old plot. This way... and less than 'adequate' npc could 'man the battlestations' until the normal npc(emploee) is well enough to go back into service.

So when a player sees supplies drop... and go back to that settlement, the patient will be in a 'hospital bed'(if built, otherwise incapciated at home making more medical beds necessary). The beds could require medical supplies to craft. Like an empy iv bag, stimpaks and other ingredients.
Hello there. o/
I use MAIM myself along SS2 and have absolutly no issue, because MAIM doesn't actually add diseases. The only thing it ever does to NPC is a bleeding effect applied when they get body parts crippled. Settlers should be fine unless you also run rules or mods that don't make them essential.

As for SS2 disease system i'd recommend turning it off at first as you discover the changes it brings to the game. Especially along disease causing death, which make early game overly difficult. You can still reactivate both once you feel at ease with the new system. Just know that on my side, SS2 is pretty compatible with MAIM, nothing weird to report so far. Hope that helps.
i will try again it could be Better settlers because that status is they can die by other NPC's bullets in a gun fight, But I have also the mod NPC's can heal thereselfs when they have medical equipment with them like a stimpak. They can recover them self. all the more realistic I think.
Well it works, something wrong place in the load order, I guess. Still I deleted it, men that's to brutal against the gunners. These guys mean business couldn't get very far. They head shot you in an instance. Even on minimal settings. And I can shoot them from far away, i'm a good sniper but the rest of the NPC's died and algernon was angry at me at least he was red, And that means enemy. He didn't shoot me but he was red. Poor Lupe both legs were off, she was dead !. But the system continued, but when inside GNN, Lupe never showed her self because she died. So I ended up deleting it, not a very great mod to use with SS2, If you play true the storyline.
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I use True Damage (with the patch that make your character not a bullet sponge) and Scourge so every humanoid npc that level with the main character is actualy level one with a max of about 125hp. The basic induction pistol has a base dmg of 135 so giving good DR gears to your warrior is a must. But it also means the majority of those gunner also have about 125 hp and will also die fast. Give rocket laucher to some of your warriors, you'll see. As for me, I use an institute EM snipper riffle (from the mod Institute Technology Overhaul - Weapon) and distribute wasteland justice from afar. And if I know things gona get ugly, I just jump into an X-01 PA. I did use MAIM in the past, but with TD and Scourge, no one lives long enough for it to realy make a difference.
I use True Damage (with the patch that make your character not a bullet sponge) and Scourge so every humanoid npc that level with the main character is actualy level one with a max of about 125hp. The basic induction pistol has a base dmg of 135 so giving good DR gears to your warrior is a must. But it also means the majority of those gunner also have about 125 hp and will also die fast. Give rocket laucher to some of your warriors, you'll see. As for me, I use an institute EM snipper riffle (from the mod Institute Technology Overhaul - Weapon) and distribute wasteland justice from afar. And if I know things gona get ugly, I just jump into an X-01 PA. I did use MAIM in the past, but with TD and Scourge, no one lives long enough for it to realy make a difference.
Going to look into that