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Not a bug Leaves of Grass - Quest fails to progress after giving Silas 3 bags of fertilizer


Active Member
After the initial conversation, I got the three bags of fertilizer, but he doesn't respond when you try to talk to him. Just give generic speech response without any dialog tree.
Probably still a low priority bug as the quest doesn't signal that you don't have the item. He says thanks as if you gave it to him and the quest doesn't advance.
I just ran into this same issue on 2.2.3. I had 3 bags of fertilizer and Silas never accepted it. I also ended up getting 12 units of fertilizer and he never accept that either. I had to advance the quest stage for him to take it and by take I mean the quest items to be taken from my inventory. I couldn't converse with him. Even when advancing the quest, the next objective to assign him to a plot never appeared. I had to keep going through the stages to complete the quest for anything to even trigger.
so i got curious and pulled out xEdit and looked up this quest. couple of notes:
  • the quest objective reads "Bring 3 Bags of Fertilizer (or 12 Fertilizer scrap) to Silas"
  • the VM script references "Fertilizer "Bag of Fertilizer" [MISC:0005A0D9]" which is the bag scrap-able object not the component scrap.
  • the dialog topic "here you go" which advances the quest stage from 10 to 20 checks "PlayerRef [PLYR:00000014].GetItemCount(c_Fertilizer_scrap "Fertilizer" [MISC:001BF730]) >= 3.000000 AND" the component scrap, not the bags, and has no conditions to look for the bag objects.
  • apparently this method of directly checking for an object in the players inventory as part of the dialog topic conditions is kinda rare. almost every quest i could find did something different, typically advancing the stage by VM script and then checking for the stage in the dialog conditions. it seems to be valid, however, as the only other quest i could find that does something similar uses basically the same condition. it checks for "PlayerRef [PLYR:00000014].GetItemCount(DaddyO "Daddy-O" [ALCH:00156D0B]) >= 1.000000 AND"
  • pretty much all of the dialog system is a giant finite state machine. the nightmare of von neumann. i'm surprised it runs at all.
it looks like there might be a genuine condition issue with this quest, where one part of the quest is looking for one thing and another part is looking for somethjing different.

it's also possible i don't understand creation scripting well enough to make heads or tails of any of this.
Tested, found that Silas is not taking 3 bags of fertilizer, but does accept that you have 12 fertilizer components in your inventory but does not take them.
He will take the 3 bags if you have both the bags and the 12 fertilizer components in inventory.
Logging an issue.
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Really wonky quest, yeah. The reqs could use some changing as well, I'd love to have Silas in my settlement but 6 farms in one place is usually not practical.