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Primary Bug Report Knowledge Equals Profit - Quest fails to update and The Ron is non-interactable after removing Folder from chest


New Member
He asked me to find some items in Coast Guard Pier.
I went there and found a chest with the quest marker on it, I peaked inside, there were some armors, and a "Folder" not "something-Folder", just "Folder".
I took it and the quest marker on the Chest disappear, but the quest marker still show on Coast Guard Pier.
I then try to return to the Ron, but he got no interaction about it, though, I can still ask for new settler, or new quest and banter. Checking the map once again and the quest marker is right at my position.
Same issue at Four Leaves Fishpacking plant. Though the item is called "Holotape Name"

edit: On 1.0.0L the issue does not seem to occur on a save that did not have the quest active (though I was sent to another location), but my main save, which had the quest active but the item not collected or even the location visited, it remains.
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