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Jamaica Plains is Maxed Out?

Agent Wolfe

New Member
I have a weird situation with Jamaica Plains. I cleared out the Ghouls, rebuilt the place and put Valentine in charge. Later I noticed in the Pip-Boy how unhappy they were so I went back, and they hadn't built anything after the original scrapping and building. Somehow it's at Max Build Limit, but they haven't fleshed out the infrastructure at all. No houses, beds, food or water. I have rebuilt 18 other settlements without this issue.

I went around scrapping all of the SS buildings and it changed nothing. There were some invisible platforms I couldn't scrap as well. Oh, and here's the weird thing. Somebody on Reddit said to drop weapons and armor and scrap them to see if it would lower the limit. Armor did nothing but after 20-30 guns it lowered it past the yellow.

I didn't save, because I thought this was a band-aid, tricking the game into thinking the build limit is lower than it actually is. Like if it's already at 100% (for whattever reason), I scrap some weapons and build some stuff, then it'll push it over 100%.

TL;DR: What would cause the polygon count to be so high without any new buildings? How can I fix it?
So if i am correct, City Plans, Valentine in Charge and scrap settlement, they laid the foindation works and since then built no new homes, nothing as settlement bar in workshop mode is full?

1) Have or do you have a mod to increase the build limit.
2) Have you tried to self destruct the settlement and look at the build limit then
3) Do you have some kind of survival fast travel system close by like, subways of the Common wealth, I use this as an example only.

I have known in the past for Jamica Plains to have this random Issue.

Just something that came to mind, if you did select Tear It All Down, did you see the tiems being removed or have you added any items of your own.

I really feel as present, the way forward it to self destruct, clean everything out possible NOt using a scrap mod and take nmote of tthe build limit. As your settlement hasn't progressed, its worth a try, then let us know.
1: Nope, nothing like that. None of my cities are upgraded past lvl 0. I've disabled some options like Auto-Upgrade City because I was getting locked out of Sanctuary. (Vanilla bug + city upgrade = CTD)

2: So I did a full self-destruct. After a few minutes the limit drops down to nothing. I put up a new desk, used city plans, put Codworth in charge, watch animation, it's back up to full yellow.

3: No nothing like subways or fast-travel mods. I'm not on Survival mode, just Medium. (Mods included below.)

4: All of the SS items were removed from the self-destruct, even the City Desk. The only objects left on the lot are a gray rug, two trash can, a broken door, and a lamp post. I was not able to place any of my own objects, because of the full yellow.

5: I also don't have any scrap mods. When you say self destruct and "clean everything out possible", does that include the 5 objects I mentioned above? Or something else?

6: After rebuilding the lot, a little brahmin icon is showing up on the HUD, but I don't actually see any brahmin on the lot. It's not from a provisioner.

*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
*Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp
*LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
*Leaders Of The Commonwealth.esp
*Insignificant Object Remover.esp

I didn't mention last time but the settlement was trying REALLY hard to build stuff in spite of the full yellow. A few residential lots appeared and I'd assign workers to build them, but it would never get past the brown tarps.
The Jamaica Plain build limit is practically nothing. You'll definitely need to increase the limit their to make use of the City Plan.

Unfortunately most of the settlements in the game have such small build limits that the City Plans go over. Due to the potential crashing that can be caused by going too far over the build limit, Sim Settlements does not adjust the limit without your permission.

It's important that you learn the limitations of what your PC can handle and adjust the build limit accordingly. I would highly recommend saving before every new City Plan starts, in case something goes wrong after you raise the limit.

This to me is the one big failing of Rise of the Commonwealth, and a limitation of the game engine that can't really be avoided. The engine just isn't great at handling large amounts of items on screen at once. It's one of the things that has me very skeptical about how they are creating an online game with this engine...
I will push you to a post that I suggested as an alternative mod to increase the build limit, I only suggest this as it comes with options per settlement, you will see on the post

If you have issues with the SS option, then I have found this to be a good alternative.

@kinggath - I have avoided even looking into this Fallout 76 , mainly for the reason that once I heard "it's online" and you can "nuke other players" I began to think of Fallout GTA and maybe micro tranactions. I know what they have said, but that doesn't mean it might not be a later date idea. As for using this old engine which is just a jacked version of a jacked up version, ,no doubt it will suffer with severe chem addiction. It does make me worry, great games in the past have tried to change direction dramatically, so will this end up being Fallout The End?
Okay, so I'll try raising the build limit of Jamaica Plans. Just to clarify; is it less likely to cause CTD if I:
Method #1: Drop guns and scrap them.
Method #2: Use the Increased Build Limit Enhanced 4K mod.
@GA_Darkerside: What is the SS option?

I'm not optimistic about Fallout 76. Sure the advertisements & still images look cool, but I'm not interested in multi-player. With the strong probability of loot boxes, micro-transactions, subscription fees, and the "always live" aspect of the game.. Hard no. Even if it's just a plain MMORPG where you buy the game and there ends the costs, I still wouldn't be interested. My OCD would make me spend 20 hours a day on the game because it's always live therefore needs constant attention. I'll just hope for Fallout 5 or Fallout: San Francisco and finally get around to Skyrim or a bunch of other games I've never tried yet.
The CTDs are equally likely in all scenarios.

In general, if you experience a lot of CTDs in FO4, you should probably avoid the city plans - at least until we release the optimized versions. They are all really intense on the game engine.
Sorry, I didn't phrase that right. I'm not having multiple CTDs but 1 very predictable CTD in Sanctuary from the vanilla game scrap-bug. If I try to scrap or build any object the game will crash, otherwise it's fine. It's not caused by SS but if Sanctuary upgraded to lvl 1 then it CTD every time I approached it. (I reloaded an earlier save and disabled auto-upgrade to prevent this.)

But if doing any of those increase max building limit options could potentially cause CTDs in or around Jamaican Plains, maybe I should just tear it down again and build a really basic settlement. That way when the optimized versions come out I won't feel bad about tearing it down, and it will be functional enough for now.
Sorry, I didn't phrase that right
welcome to my world, thats me all over, write once, edit a few hundred.

To be honest, I played Fallout 4 from 2 days after release and I don't rememeber a day when anything didn't go wrong. When I say to people, don't use SS for Sanctuary, Red Rocket and a couple of others, I am by far not knocking kinggath and team, I just know the limitation of the engine, I mean when Fallout 4 came out, I had the top PC and it went Fallout 4 phhhh.

I'm not optimistic about Fallout 76. Sure the advertisements & still images look cool, but I'm not interested in multi-player
see I am not the only one that is worried Fallout 76 might become Fallout The End. :nuke:

However that being said and to be honest, I have met people here that actually make me think, they have the same mindset as me, so it might be fun to play along side them.
It really depends on your system. I can run all of the City Plans without crashing, but plenty of other people can't.

I've been suggesting to everyone concerned about it to switch City Upgrades to Manual. That way you can make a save before every upgrade, and roll back if it's a problem.
What is the SS option?
SS has an option in the holotape to increase the building size limit, I believe it is under Tools > Configuration Tools, but I haven't used it so my memory is a bit rusty.

However when it comes to some areas like Sanctuary, Starlight, Jamaca and Red Rocket, increasing can cause issues. but then thats more to do how much you build then the increased size,

I use the mod I suggested above and have had no issues with it, but I cancel all option for every settlement and only use 6x for the ones I have said above, however to be honest, you have to find what works for you, always remember to save first.
I just ran into this at JP. Lvl 0 was active, but very few things were built, most everything else was stuck in being built mode and the workshop said nothing more could be built (respecting the limits). So I nuked it and sent all of the settlers away.
(Edited) As I rushed it again
If you want to build in Jamica Plains, I have used this mod, because it allows you (like SS) to choose per settlement. However I know SS has it built in, this one is just slighly different, a one click wonder, but of course you can use either TBH
ICBL1.jpg ICBL2.jpg
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GA_Darkerside, I've seen you recommend this mod in quite a few threads relating to the building limits. Each time you say you use it because it allows you to choose per settlement.

Are you aware that the built in function within the Sim Settlement holotape only effects the settlement you are standing in? You have the option to increase the vanilla limit in 25% increments when you run it, or let it give you 25% increase over the current usage. There really is no need to use another mod to raise the build limits.
Are you aware that the built in function within the Sim Settlement holotape only effects the settlement you are standing in?

I do understand that, but I had issues at one point, so I used this. I offer it as an alternative. I also think i said that below, did I not?

I know SS has it built in, so you can use either TBH

I do prefer to give people options and also an clear explanation, rather then a simple few words (and I do like to make the effort).

My goal is to make anyone aware of other mods that I feel are trusted or other staff members feel happy recommending, so they have options.

As I do not know what they have tried or not, the goal was to make them aware of any possibilities just incase, so please be aware of that.

You are also correct that I have offered this in I think two other posts, again as an alternative, but then i do often forget as I do try to help as many as I can, even if I have to repeat myself, as long as I help, thats the important part.
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OK. Something about your phrasing left me wondering if you thought the increases in the built in tool were global rather than local to the settlement.

Never hurts to have options, but as I haven't had any trouble with the built in tool, I just use it. It's especially useful for cities with active city plans since they can go way over the limit. It's much simpler to just ask the tool to figure out the current limit and give me an extra 25% rather than repeated increases watching the bar to see when it is no longer yellow.
However and i dont want to sound rude, a lot of the questions I deal with are repeat question, but I choose, rather then to direct them to another post, to answer them myself. You will see repeats in different posts, but you will rarely see me saying, go read this post, there is something rewarding about the personal touch. You will be surprised as some people dont want to go through the holotape.

I understand that some people for whatever reason they choose, want to do it a different way, some want to hit the 6x or 10x on that mod and be done with it, some, like you or me, want the gradual increase, but i am not here to decided what they should choose, just to give them options to choose from.
No problem, I just wanted to clarify, because the way you phrased it made it sound like you had to use a third party mod for per settlement adjustments.

No need to discuss this further. We are on the same page now.
well i edited the post, trying to rush a bit again, so had a look and thought, well it could be taken the wrong way :) Now you know my goal, I am more then happy for you to go, Hey ***, your rushing again :)