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Jake's Private Frequency bug - Repeating old dialogue


New Member
I am well into Chapter 2 of SS2 now, and after having completed a few quests I once again had to 'Tune into Jake's Private Frequency'. However, tuning into said frequency I am met with the "You're never going to guess what I got running... The Comm hub!" dialogue. Was hoping this was a one-off bug as it started during the mission where we attack the Gunners to get the Hub back. I am now on the quest 'Moving Day', and once again when tuning into the frequency I am met again with the same dialogue.

When first encountering this problem, I could progress onto the next step by changing the quest stage via console commands, albeit missing out on whatever dialogue I was supposed to hear. It seems like I will have to do so again to progress 'Moving Day'. I know people usually recommend loading a previous save and going though the quests again to see if the issue fixes itself, however I have made a LOT of progress since then, not only in the SS2 questline but in the game in general with things such as settlements and weapons. Does anyone know of a way to fix the radio frequency without having to forfeit hours of gameplay?

I am okay with continuing the story like this by progressing past the radio quest stages by command, I just wish I could hear what I am supposed to be told in those moments as I have thoroughly been enjoying the story so far. The only other bug I have run into with SS2 was at the end of Chapter 1 where the player meets Aiden at the workshop after Jake goes missing, where I had to forcibly progress the quest as Aiden wouldn't talk to me (though he spoke to me fine after installing Chapter 2, where he sets up the first quest of the chapter). I am worried that this is the point of the story that bugged out my radio, however I really don't want to redo Chapter 2 if this is the case.