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Items never arive


New Member
I have downloaded the latest version (1.0.3)

I load items into a container and add the salvage beacon. When I exit the container it asks where I want them delivered. I select the location. A message pops up saying "A team has been dispatched from [...]" NOTE: it literally says [...]. that is not me leaving it open for whatever location I selected.

After waiting a while I get another message saying my goods have arrived in [...] (Again [...] is literally what is displayed.

When I check the workshop nothing is there. Not even the salvage beacon.
The beacon also doesn't show on the map.

When I go to the location, the goods are gone.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled this mod. No change
I have started a whole new game. No change.

I have tested with both Sim Settlements installed and not installed. No change.

I rolled back to 1.0.1 and tested again. No Change. I did not there is a salvager standing my the location but no goods in the workshop.
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I just installed SB, which I haven't ran in a long time. Works fine.
My suggestions..
1: Manually install it and check.
2: Manually install, disable ALL mods except for SB, fire up a clean (never seen a mod) save and make sure it's working. Which it will be.
3: On the save you just verified it to be working, enable your mods again, 1/2 of them at a time and checking. IF the first 1/2 works, disable them & enable the other 1/2. Roll back & check again.
IF SB stops working you know the unworthy mod is in that 1/2.
Well, congratulations to you. However, it WAS working fine. And the ONLY thing Ii did was upgraded to the latest version. So something YOU folks did broke it. Personal accountability just isn't a thing anymore I guess.
Don't know how you tested but I confirmed it is sanctuary. It delivers to other settlements. Thanks for nothing.
Don't know how you tested but I confirmed it is sanctuary. It delivers to other settlements. Thanks for nothing.

Wo-wo, buccaneer

No one is here helping out of an obligation we are here to help others enjoy this as much as we have. You clearly have a glitch and there’s folks here that can help you with that but ultimately the responsibility for the glitched game is you, the user.

Orlandes, you are personally responsible “solely” for your game. You chose to mod your game, you picked the mods you decided to install. No one forced you to take free content from MOD authors who are willing to share their hard work and made you install it in your game just so it would get glitched. No, you did. The only one guilty here of anything or lacking responsibility is you.
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Well, congratulations to you. However, it WAS working fine. And the ONLY thing Ii did was upgraded to the latest version. So something YOU folks did broke it. Personal accountability just isn't a thing anymore I guess.

Kinggath is the mod author, not WoodFuzzy, so you are rudely yelling at someone who is trying to help.
This version was released in March - when did you upgrade it, and was that before or after you put the beacon in the container? {I ask because this version was to fix a known issue} Related to that, did you do a merge or an uninstall and reinstall?

I generally have no issues with the merge, but if a mod stops working after one I do the latter, because sometimes the update isn't complete, especially in NMM.

Since you are reporting this as sanctuary specific, I assume that's where your communication station is - was the settler unassigned? That happens a LOT in sanctuary. If you meant that your station is elsewhere, and you can send anywhere except sanctuary, look at any mods you've added recently that may touch Sanctuary.

And for the record, the 1/2 at a time test is the defacto test for determining where a conflict is - because it is likely NOT to be the mod by itself, but rather how it is interacting with another one. And no one can help you if you can't even narrow down the conflicts.
Don't know how you tested but I confirmed it is sanctuary. It delivers to other settlements. Thanks for nothing.
I setup and assigned a desk at Sanctuary. I was able to send stashes to all 28 settlements successfully. So for *me* it works fine.
You have a problem with the location code not registering with SB.
The very first step in solving mod issues is verifying that the mod is indeed installed and working properly.
This is done by loading a save that has never see any mods with just the mod in question installed. This rules out things like mod conflicts, script lag, corrupted cells... and very quickly shows bad installs or corrupt downloads.. or a good install.

Once you have the mod in question working, you can then find the mod/s that are in conflict. And that may turn out not to be a mod conflict at all but an entirely different issue. ie, script lag, stack dumps, corrupt cells etc..

Yes it takes time and effort. But.. in the end, you will have a much more stable, and enjoyable game for your efforts. Because you'd be surprised how many other things get fixed along the way. ;)
I've PM'd you some help, despite you lashing out. Please apologize to these fine folks.
Folks I owe everyone a huge apology. I've been assuming Mod manager was deleting all files when I deleted a mod but this was a seriously incorrect assumption on my part. I am sorry for my hostility and arrogance. I found TONS of files from mods I don't even use anymore and haven't for some time.
Folks I owe everyone a huge apology. I've been assuming Mod manager was deleting all files when I deleted a mod but this was a seriously incorrect assumption on my part. I am sorry for my hostility and arrogance. I found TONS of files from mods I don't even use anymore and haven't for some time.

Apology appreciated!

That's a huge issue with all the mod managers in my experience. I used to spend a ton of time cleaning up after NMM. With Mod Manager I went for profiles, which seems to minimize that, but absolutely doesn't eliminate it.
If you're using an older version of NMM from Nexus that's most likely the problem. It has significant problems with correctly installing and uninstalling mods. The community developed newer versions have improved on that but its still not very good and mods with large files still have problems and have to be installed manually anyway. You can find the newer community developed NMM files here: https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases
OK. My apology gets even bigger. It was one of those leftover files combined with a corrupted save. Working now. I am so sorry for being a jackass.
Glad it's working - and welcome to modding hell! It can be quite frustrating to mod this game sometimes, but the folks that offer help here are really great troubleshooters.

They may ask you to do what seem like elementary things, and that's because this game is so fragile that you have to eliminate all those easy variables first to avoid wasting time on complicated fix attempts.