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Announcement Introducing Workshop Framework


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
Workshop Framework is an attempt to completely open up the workshop system so many different mod authors can contribute mods to it.

Prior to this, many features of the workshop system were impossible to edit without replacing the vanilla scripts which meant only one mod could alter them. With the Workshop Framework, all of the hard-coded things are now exposed.

Since I was in there rewriting the system, I decided to add tons of hooks and powerful new features even beginning mod authors can play around with!

What’s the recommended load order for WsFw? Before or after SS/IDEk’s? It put itself below both when I first downloaded/enabled it. Should I keep it there or move it above for best result?
It needs to be as high as possible in your load order, but after UFO4P.

The goal is that lots of mods will want to touch this mod, which means it needs to come early.
Very excited reading the description on this. Am I interpreting the comment re: pip boy data correctly?

I took it to mean no more incorrect workshop numbers, false alerts, etc in the pipboy view of settlements. If that has been fixed, would be huge.
Yeah, it should be fixed now. Other mods can still cause it to go haywire depending on what they are doing (in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if SS is part of the problem), but Workshop Framework will prevent the base game mechanics from screwing it up.

You will likely have to visit each settlement once before it will be able to help with that though.
Does SS: 3-in-1 variant benefit from this framework without Conqueror installed? I.e. does it make scripts run faster and/or more efficient? Or does this only happen with Conqueror installed?
The description on Nexus says WF needs to to go after UFO4P, because WF overwrites workshop scipts, so I guess it does provide more efficient scripts even without Conqueror?
The description on Nexus says WF needs to to go after UFO4P, because WF overwrites workshop scipts, so I guess it does provide more efficient scripts even without Conqueror?
It definitely does, according to the developer. And also opens up many new possibilities.