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Internal Level 3 basic Power


Active Member
When the plot upgraded to 3, it suddenly stopped producing power. I've checked all the wires in town to make sure they are working and the HUD is showing a power with a green 0 but all the plots are showing red unpowered icons.

I've tried to cajole it into working by hooking up a generator to a few plots (like the caravan and the municipal power box itself) but nothing seems to kick start it. Can someone check it for me?
The base mod internal power lot I have at Taffington seems to be working fine. I do recall initially having trouble getting power out of it when it was first built. At the time I "customized" the power pole by using the one for internal plots from Pra's add-on pack and wiring the power box to that, after which it worked perfectly throughout levels 1 to 3
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Damn, I was hoping you had a magic solution for me, but adding the little power poles did not change the fundamental problem.


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I assume you've refreshed the plot already? Picking it up in workshop mode and dropping it again sometimes seems to trigger a stuck plot for me
So far none of the old tricks have worked. oh but I have a doozy of a thing going on. I have a single small generator now powering the entire settlement. So maybe this is a display problem and not a real problem, as refreshing all the plots (hey I don't remember where the refresh all button is anymore) individually is now bringing them back online. ie: no red power outage
Edit: Not true anymore. I don't know what is going on.
Edit: ladies and gentlemen, I think we have our culprit. Can anybody briefly tell me what this means?


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It should be showing the amount of power you're getting instead of that empty horizontal bar. Is the pylon wired directly to the power plot?
Is that what you were asking?
Yup, and for whatever reason, its showing the square empty box. So whatever my problems are, it is something to do with municipal power. I destroyed the old pylon and replaced it, thinking ah ha this must be the hang up but it solved nothing. Nor did starting a NEW municipal power plot
What kind of a connector does the municipal pylon connect to? Last time (on newest patches) I was building a new grid I had a hell of a time getting the municipal to connect to the rest of the grid. What finally got me there was using a vanilla connector between the municipal pylon and the next (SS2 power) pole. If it works for you, there might be something weird to dig into here.

And yeah, the bar looked empty just like in your ss.
This seems like the same problem I'm having with other plots, where they show the output type but have stopped producing. Right now in my Sanctuary settlement, it's farms and organics, but it has included power output, defense output, almost everything. I have no consistent way of triggering the problem nor resolving it. Refreshing plots, recalculating output, unassigning and reassigning everybody, hanging out in town staring at the ground for an hour while I play sudoku on my phone... doesn't seem to fix it.

Edit: I've also tried switching from "component" to "category" complexity, then refreshing things again. :confused:
This seems like the same problem I'm having with other plots, where they show the output type but have stopped producing. Right now in my Sanctuary settlement, it's farms and organics, but it has included power output, defense output, almost everything. I have no consistent way of triggering the problem nor resolving it. Refreshing plots, recalculating output, unassigning and reassigning everybody, hanging out in town staring at the ground for an hour while I play sudoku on my phone... doesn't seem to fix it.

Edit: I've also tried switching from "component" to "category" complexity, then refreshing things again. :confused:
Collecting data, out of curiosity is the plots that are now giving 0 manned by named SPECIAL settlers? Esp the original sanctuary 5?
Collecting data, out of curiosity is the plots that are now giving 0 manned by named SPECIAL settlers? Esp the original sanctuary 5?
No. I mean, one of them is Marcy, but other named settlers are working plots correctly, while other plots gone bad are worked by unnamed settlers. It is Sanctuary, though.