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Industrial Revolution

Steven Lawhon

I have run the city plan for Sanctuary and found that the Armor shop and Fresh supplies will not spawn.
In fact it made 2 industrial plots next to each other,( Scrap heap and One mans trash.) They are the last 2 plots. If you watch the vid on the foundation city, one mans trash is the elevated hallway going across the street. Unable to change either one.
are you using the complex or optmized city plan?
the ones in the vids would be complex cityplans.
you should be able to change the plots :(
are you using designers choice?
No , problems solved: Turned off a lot of performance items and now at lvl2 1%,
saw a boat load of things spawn. Frame rate issues now but minor. Many thanks to all, now lets if that small counter with the bell is the supply store.
Indeed it is a settler opened up the roll up doors, on to Red Rocket and start a smaller settlement.
Comfortably room for 8 shacks. 18 food 40 water. Fresh supplies and bar. 1 settler so far and will
assign settlers myself, no leader yet. Then on to Ten Pines,
Indeed it is a settler opened up the roll up doors, on to Red Rocket and start a smaller settlement.
Comfortably room for 8 shacks. 18 food 40 water. Fresh supplies and bar. 1 settler so far and will
assign settlers myself, no leader yet. Then on to Ten Pines,
Note: I will see if Better settlers mod will work for new leaders. (better clothes and attitudes, worth
a shot, we will see...…:scratchheadNote 2: Will try Teds leader pack, looks promising
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Note: I will see if Better settlers mod will work for new leaders. (better clothes and attitudes, worth
a shot, we will see...…:scratchheadNote 2: Will try Teds leader pack, looks promising
Well teds pack lets Sturgis be the leader of red rocket.(guard outpost,city build) Population is 1 person, went to sanctuary to get 5 more....strange but normal I guess.:scratchhead Note: I am using ROTC and Indust. rev together, I am going to try and use ROTC alone this time, save point available to restart. Note 3: Red rocket will be done before Sanctuary, I want to see if the population fills it as fast as Sanctuary did, 18 pop. Charisma 17. If I am correct then Sanctuary will take longer to fill. Red rocket build being an outpost has 6 guard posts around it, to protect Sanctuary Hills , since they must arrive via that roadway. It may force any enemies to spawn in the rear of SH, will see how good that junk wall is around SH.
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Well teds pack lets Sturgis be the leader of red rocket.(guard outpost,city build) Population is 1 person, went to sanctuary to get 5 more....strange but normal I guess.:scratchhead Note: I am using ROTC and Indust. rev together, I am going to try and use ROTC alone this time, save point available to restart. Note 3: Red rocket will be done before Sanctuary, I want to see if the population fills it as fast as Sanctuary did, 18 pop. Charisma 17. If I am correct then Sanctuary will take longer to fill. Red rocket build being an outpost has 6 guard posts around it, to protect Sanctuary Hills , since they must arrive via that roadway. It may force any enemies to spawn in the rear of SH, will see how good that junk wall is around SH.
Now i cannot find better settlers listed anymore