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IDEK's Logistics Station 2 or vanilla caravan plots


I did search through previous posts on this and what I found was conflicting answers. I am having some minor issues with the vanilla caravan plots. For example, SS2 decided to create a caravan route from Bunker Hill to Hangmen's Alley, and when I removed the caravan plot at Hangmen's Alley, Bunker Hill pretty much refused to create a supply line to County Crossing or anywhere else; to troubleshoot I tried refreshing the plot, re-assigning the plot, scrapping and rebuilding the plot, and waiting a substantial amount of in-game time and real to see if would correct itself with no luck.

If IDEK's 2 works as well as the original IDEK's I would assume it should fix all of these issues. Some older posts says that there were issues with IDEK's 2 and virtual storage. The mod page for IDEK's 2 specifically says it should work fine with virtual storage, as long as it is in range. And the options for route optimization/customization do not seem to present at all with the vanilla caravan plots. The connection of the virtual storage system is a must for me. However, I don't really use the scrap beacons very much, so that functionality is a lower priority for me.

In y'alls' experience which system works for a better overall experience?
If you use the logistics plot instead of the caravan, does the plot owner still go on salvage runs once the beacons are available?
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If you use the logistics plot instead of the caravan, does the plot owner still go on salvage runs once the beacons are available?
Not sure but i think IRL do near all apart from sharing the Virtual store.Had at the Start only ILS stations as i don't was able to build the caravan plot and later then i don't want to change any more my Settlements.I reach the Salvage part then with only ILS.Make then the scan in one of the place i clear place a beacon and all my settlements pop up to chose from where to start the caravan and where to drop the items after.I make that and short after i get the Message that Mission end and all is transfer to my settlement.Fast Travel work even with only ILS when they reach level 2 and have the same problem i have with the Caravaner at level 3 FT don't work any more :) that what i dont understand is where the ISL Caravaner put the Things he get when he come from an Salvage mission.If ISL dont consider the Virtual Store in the Workbench was nothing after the Mission.
If you use the logistics plot instead of the caravan, does the plot owner still go on salvage runs once the beacons are available?
The Logistics plot acts as a Caravan plot, plus additional functionalities. It answers to the same rules. So if everything works as intended, your answer is yes.
However, users have run into various issues using either the Caravan or Logistics plot. Here's a post from IDEK himself on Nexus:
IDEK on Nexus:
SS2 ILS plots are SS2 caravan plots, and settlements (are supposed to) link up via the empire system between them. The links just don't always cooperate, for whatever reason.
IDEK is trying to troobleshoot the issues he encountered, but apparently the empire system is not easy to figure out.
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