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How to tell if city plan is complex or not?


New Member
I accidentaly turned complex plans off and built a bunch of settlements. How do I tell if they are complex or not so I can change them accordingly?
Your system will run better.
Seriously, it will! :)
You'll have more room to add stuff you want.

The total population for Optimized plans is capped at 15 ish... 13 to 16 is the range.
Oh, did I mention your system will give you warm fuzzy hugs?
If you've never built them before, it can be kind of hard to impossible to tell in the early levels.

kinggath added or maybe is adding a way to tell which is which in the CP desk.
There´s a YT channel from dancingdeity (or something) that shows tours of city plans in all levels. Maybe you can tell the difference watching them
I’ve just realised a couple of mine had been set to Optimised. If you go to the city plan on the desk and select view city details there will be a [O] next to the name if it’s optimised.

Am I right in understanding that the only way to make them complex is to take back the city, re-assign a leader and start over?
Change the holotape settings to use the Complex plans, go to the CP Desk and choose city plan... no need to take back or reassign leader.
And Yes it will start over (Level 0) with the new complex plan.
Is there a big difference in Complex or Optimized, the way it looks?

There was a new update today and i accidently turned an Complex city into a Optimized one, and it had more stuff build and more buildings than my Complex one ?

Does Complex support more then 15 settlers?

Or is both Complex and Optimized capped at 15 for the auto management ?
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Complex plans generally have much more detail, more clutter, use more of the space, and some of them support 20+ settlers.

Optimized trim down a lot of the clutter, remove certain pieces or sections, and cap at 15 settlers.
Thank you for your reply Kinggath,

Is it possible the City plans have been edited since 6 may 2018?

With the patch from yesterday i got confused as to what plan i was using and put on an Optimized one, which gave me a few more buildings on level 0 compared to Complex.

I looked up Dancingdeity on youtube who has a quick tour on most settlements going through all levels 1-2-3

And in the level 1-2 r 3 Sanctuary build he showcased i did not see the buildings that i saw in my level 0 Optimized City, in fact they were just empthy spots?
i took some screenshots to show the examples,

28dONGw Has 2 new buildings which is the [O] city plan at level 0 Is the Complex city plan at level 0 ?