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Hotfix 2.3.1a and the path to Chapter 3


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Hotfix 2.3.1a

Just posted hotfix 2.3.1a
with some resource issue fixes from @cbrgamer2! This should help with a few production issues that may have cropped up since 2.3.0.


Patch 2.3.2

For those of you who haven't hear from one of my recent videos, 2.3.2 is going to be a couple weeks away still as I've been working on some 3.0.0 stuff that I need to ensure is fully tested with the live code before releasing 2.3.2.

2.3.2 will be the last major patch before 3.0.0. Though there will still be hotfixes in between for any severe issues we can fix.

The goal for patch 2.3.2 is to take care of as many confirmed issues as are feasible. So if you have a known bug, be sure to keep checking in the Support section to see if someone else has repeated your issue. If you have not had any luck finding someone else with your issue, either through posting and getting no response, or searching and finding nothing similar, if you can replicate an issue yourself in an SS2 only save file* and post the save, I can use that as well to fix the issue!

For such a save file, just upload it to Google Drive, share it publicly, and make a post in the support section describing the issue and include a link to the SS2 only save file*. Mention in the title of your post that you have a confirmed issue save file and someone will push it to our confirmed issues list after they verify.

*SS2 only save file would be a save that was started with only Workshop Framework, HUD Framework, SS2, and SS2-related mods (ie. Chapter 2, addon packs, and City Plans) - and then was able to recreate the issue.

If the issue only occurs in a fully-modded save, it's nearly impossible to figure out which mods are triggering the issue, and if you remove mods to make it an SS2 only save, the file will be completely unstable and not useful in troubleshooting. These must be files that were made with only SS2/WSFW/ and related files for the sake of testing.


3.0.0 and Chapter 3

I don't have a timeline for 3.0.0, as we have a lot left to do for Chapter 3 still, and 3.0.0 represents the "day 0 patch" for Chapter 3. I can only say this will be the longest period between patches we'll ever have had as I really need to hunker down and focus on Chapter 3. I will still do news videos and Live Streams, but otherwise, you won't hear much from me.

Our goals with 3.0.0 and Chapter 3 are to beat Starfield to release (which we should be able to do so long as they don't surprise drop it on us in the next couple months!) and to be our most bug-free release ever.

To help with the latter goal, we started alpha testing WAY sooner than before - we have had various alpha tests going since April of last year, and the new code has been perpetually worked into the existing live code in small chunks to ensure it will be compatible with existing saves the entire way. In addition, once we get to Beta of 3.0.0/Chapter 3, we'll be reaching out to a larger pool of testers than we normally do to try and get more eyeballs and load orders on it.

Once we get closer, I will release details on how to be a part of that testing phase.

Our goals with 3.0.0 and Chapter 3 are to beat Starfield to release (which we should be able to do so long as they don't surprise drop it on us in the next couple months!) and to be our most bug-free release ever.

Personally I'm much more interested in chapter 3 than in Starfield. I might get Starfield sometime, but I wait and see, if and how it is modded.
Personally I'm much more interested in chapter 3 than in Starfield. I might get Starfield sometime, but I wait and see, if and how it is modded.
I genuinely don't know why people still buy new games on day 1, especially "AAA" games. At least wait a week for reviews that weren't paid to tell us how good it was, the first few patches and "day 1 dlcs"...
I genuinely don't know why people still buy new games on day 1, especially "AAA" games. At least wait a week for reviews that weren't paid to tell us how good it was, the first few patches and "day 1 dlcs"...
Ya, most of the time I wait for those first reviews to come in before I click on "buy". Sometimes, I don't buy until a year has past and the game goes on sale.
I likely won't for Starfield though, if I know me. It'll be a pre-order because it's a single player Bethesda game and I want a new shiney game to play in spite of the expectation that it will have launch day glitches and I already know there will be bugs.
That being said, I'm looking forward to Chapter 3 more also.
I genuinely don't know why people still buy new games on day 1, especially "AAA" games. At least wait a week for reviews that weren't paid to tell us how good it was, the first few patches and "day 1 dlcs"...
My sense of FOMO has basically dropped off as I get older. I've got plenty of other things competing for time in my life, let alone the time I can set aside for gaming, that the appeal of "Launch Day Energy" just isn't there anymore. I'll buy Starfield… eventually.
Remember the Good Old Days when we used to wait at the computer store for it to open so we could snag one of the first copies sold? sigh
I'm old enough and grew up in the middle of nowhere so my experience was more, "Read about a game in a magazine, send $5 cash off to somebody, and get a disk back in the mail in a couple weeks"
Yeah, it's not quite the same when you download a game within the first five minutes of its availability. But it sure is quicker to play. :grin
well, regardless of people's thoughts I'll be playing starfield day 1 I love Bethesda games (weird bugs included) and the opening scenes always are amazing when you are playing for the first time.
I'm old enough and grew up in the middle of nowhere so my experience was more, "Read about a game in a magazine, send $5 cash off to somebody, and get a disk back in the mail in a couple weeks"
Were computer games ever that cheap? Other than the ones you typed in out of a magazine and then spent as much time looking for your typos as you had spent typing it in the first place.
Yeah, it's not quite the same when you download a game within the first five minutes of its availability. But it sure is quicker to play. :grin
That's true unless it is a big release on Steam, and everyone in the world is downloading it. Then it takes four hours to download, which you spend reading comments about it on the Steam forum and wishing you had ultra-fast Internet like some other people seem to.
That's true unless it is a big release on Steam, and everyone in the world is downloading it.
That's one thing I've only experienced once, and that was with No Man's Sky. I was appalled to read half the planet's whining about it weeks later. I embargoed almost everything about it several months prior to release, so I was in virtual heaven playing it for years. If only all those knot heads had just played Fortnite instead and freed up that bandwidth for people like you.

In any case, I'm going to be doing the same thing with Starfield, preordering and all. :good
Ya, most of the time I wait for those first reviews to come in before I click on "buy". Sometimes, I don't buy until a year has past and the game goes on sale.
I likely won't for Starfield though, if I know me. It'll be a pre-order because it's a single player Bethesda game and I want a new shiney game to play in spite of the expectation that it will have launch day glitches and I already know there will be bugs.
That being said, I'm looking forward to Chapter 3 more also.
Same will probably get the delux version with space whatever then sit and play for like 3 days straight. But chapter 3 has me super excited as well as redfall ( I love looter shooters ) this year is going to be jam packed with games.
just going through SS2 quests in this version and i encountered a few quest bugs

first was on quest Calling Potential Deputies
went through the dialog with the cpd and hellhounds came in but either the one for stage 139 did not appear or spawned offmap as it was nowhere to be found
had to use console commands to move forward but when the npc went back to the dead raider the dialog didn't continue so had to use console to move quest along to when they were at the station

next was on peace of mind
quest did not complete after i found paul - i did not get mission Let Sleeping Dogs Lie so its not completed

now on War is Good for Business whiched started at same time as peace of mind
jake is stuck in the church and will not start dialog even after fast traveling out and back again