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Primary Bug Report General - Caravan Services fast travel costs an extermely long in-game time


Active Member
Apparently it takes 4 days to travel from Starlight to Sanctuary.

Oof, my food supply. This can't be intended, right?

To add onto this - this issue is important for players using the Caravaneers in a Survival-difficulty game, as it is our only means of Fast Travel. The current speed that this occurs at leaves the player character "starving" and "dehydrated" each time. As a result of this, the player's AP is massively diminished on arrival (which could be into the middle of a firefight), and character almost instantly takes some damage - this could be deadly if not properly healed prior to travel, and very frustrating given that saving only occurs on sleep or exit in Survival difficulty.

Currently experiencing this, on beta patch k.
Follow-up: Tested this on "L" patch, and Sunshine Tidings to Starlight Drive-In took 4 days in-game, and left me severly dehydrated, starving, and with a sudden case of insomnia in-game.
Feels like the same kind of thing that happened with the Creation Club settlement cameras. They would advance the world time which caused you to gain hunger and thirst.
First of all, I didn't even know that I could use Caravaneers to fast tavel. That's absolutely great! So thanks for mentioning that...
Secondly, can't wait for that feature to get fixed!
(Hint: Sunshine-Sanctuary indeed took 4 days, while it takes about 3 hours using vanilla FT mechanics, so using the Caravaneer should take roughly the same amount of time...)
First of all, I didn't even know that I could use Caravaneers to fast tavel. That's absolutely great! So thanks for mentioning that...
Secondly, can't wait for that feature to get fixed!
(Hint: Sunshine-Sanctuary indeed took 4 days, while it takes about 3 hours using vanilla FT mechanics, so using the Caravaneer should take roughly the same amount of time...)
It feels like there’s a misplaced decimal that is causing travel times to be about 10x what is reasonable. 4 days is 96 hours, but 9.6 would have been fine...