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Solved Game 4 - Now That Is Better - Part 2 - And More Questions


Active Member
(Oops! Part 1 is in the SS Help - should be here)

Game 4, playing Conqueror/BoS Liberator (Takarazuka) in modified survival, and I am now at Level 20 after 24 hours with virtually no problems (no Quit freeze, no Save freeze, only two CTDs which is more than acceptable). Red Rocket is my main Outpost that I built as a settlement first with Abernathy and Sanctuary as vassals. Generally, going well - thanks to KG the gang and Takarazuka. Several comments/observations:
(1) The Danse: The first/second times I assaulted Abernathy with Danse, he started shooting at me. The third time I assaulted Abernathy with Dogmeat and was successful. The first time I assaulted Sanctuary with Danse everything went fine, except as noted in (2).
(2) Sanctuary Settlers: After taking-out 8 Gunners, received the message regarding the successful assault and about 10 seconds later all the settlers started shooting at me and BoS. Fortunately, I saved the game before the 10 seconds mark, so reloaded and fast traveled to/from Red Rocket and everything was fine.
(3) Abernathy and Sanctuary Guards: As I have read in numerous other posts, the vassal Guards will not stay assigned to a martial plot.
(4) Comm Desk and Auto Assign: With the auto assign at Yes, settlers that have been assigned to the Comm Desk will unassign themselves for an open plot. This was fixed later by changing several holo settings.
(5) Missing Training & Shooting Range Plots: As the BoS Liberator, I do not have either plot in my Recreational Building options. Because the Field Command Center does include Commanders, I assume I have V4.1.5, but with the Steam description, their version is different than KG's. Any suggestions? As described below, an "oops" on me.
(6) On-the-Other- Hand There is Preston: Mild amusement - when assaulting Sanctuary, Preston was performing his patrol, and with laser fire all around him, he walked through - humming. When the Gunners attempted to retake Sanctuary, Preston was one of the first to run across the bridge.
Thanks for any comments/assistance.
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(3) Abernathy and Sanctuary Guards: As I have read in numerous other posts, the vassal Guards will not stay assigned to a martial plot.

Eventually, they will reassign to these plots. How long it will take can depend on many mysteries. May be faster, even though a bit frustrating, to just reassign them yourself.

(4) Comm Desk and Auto Assign: With the auto assign at Yes, settlers that have been assigned to the Comm Desk will unassign themselves for an open plot.

Make sure assign away from work is set to off both globally and locally. https://simsettlements.com/web/wiki...Options_Assignment#Auto_Assign_Away_From_Work


With it set to on, any open and available SS plot will take priority and can pull a settler away from a nonSS plot job.

(5) Missing Training & Shooting Range Plots: As the BoS Liberator, I do not have either plot in my Recreational Building options. Because the Field Command Center does include Commanders, I assume I have V4.1.5, but with the Steam description, their version is different than KG's. Any suggestions?

A shooting range plot is part of Conqueror. Is it the one designed by Coots??? It counts as a training yard. Some add-ons also have different shooting range plots that I don't think work as training yards, yet. As far as I know, there is no plot that is named "Training Yard."

Wasteland Ventures 2 has an interior version of the training yard: it's a gym and not a shooting range. Recruits do push ups to gain exp. Highly recommended for many reasons.

Anyway. Conqueror itself should include a Shooting Range that works as a Training Yard. That it is not showing is distressing. Do you have available any of the other Conqueror Rec plots like the Mess Hall and Funeral Pyre plots?

Can you post a screen grab of your available Rec plot options?
Training Yard is the new type of plots introduced by conqueror.

Best of my knowledge, only two versions exist for now. The one called shooting range in the conqueror add-on and Pumping Iron from Wasteland Venturers 2.
Eventually, they will reassign to these plots. How long it will take can depend on many mysteries. May be faster, even though a bit frustrating, to just reassign them yourself.
At Sanctuary and Abernathy, the auto-assign is off, and at Sanctuary and Abernathy, I tried several times to re-assign. Walkaway or fast travel, wait upto 45 minutes RT, and activate/not activate the workbench, and whenever I came back the guards would either be unassigned or would unassigned while watching the plot. I assume KG knows about this and will come up with a solution.

A shooting range plot is part of Conqueror. Is it the one designed by Coots??? It counts as a training yard. Some add-ons also have different shooting range plots that I don't think work as training yards, yet. As far as I know, there is no plot that is named "Training Yard."
Oops - my error! I found it. Mis-read KG notes, the Steam mod description and the menu.
Thanks all.
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Huh, TIL
I was only talking about how we need more training plots earlier.

I agree but it’s a brand new plot introduced in the last (previous?) update so I’m expecting it to start popping up as more creators update their plots.

Same goes for any plots that gets introduced. I’m expecting more battle scavengers, more cemetery etc
whenever I came back the guards would either be unassigned or would unassigned while watching the plot. I assume KG knows about this and will come up with a solution.

Vassal guards will unassign from their plots after you return. Every time. Mostly. The boss does know. Eventually they will reassign but waiting for that magic to happen can be as frustrating as just going around and reassigning them. The key is to stay in the vassal long enough for the reassign code to do its thing or speed up the process by reassigning them yourself.

Vassal guards are interesting bunch. They work in the vassal but don't count towards vassal population. They don't count in any one settlement's workshop population, but only towards your empire's overall population. Where are their beds? Their origin outpost? The vassal? Somewhere else? They clearly don't quite fit the traditional settler mold. And I suppose require some sophisticated coding to get them to do what they do. The more you have going on in any vassal, the less likely they are to quickly reassign, or so it has seemed to me.
Thanks for the information.

Decided to load an earlier save and assault Starlight to make it a vassal. That went well, ie, Danse did not shoot me, however, interesting battle - 10 raiders including a Legendary with a Fat Man - when you hear the mini-nuke - run really fast.

A game mechanics question - does anyone have knowledge/experience regarding potential conflicts, using a mod that allows me to make Boston Airport a settlement? I plan to download a mod and try it, but prefer some info so I am not 10 hrs further and the CTDs start.

Because I am having reasonable good game play, decided to forgo the addition of a mod to allow Boston Airport to be a settlement. I did travel there and place a Command Desk to make BA an Outpost, however, after waiting for some RL time, it would not link up to the rest of the system. As I read elsewhere, there maybe a distance requirement, so I dropped that idea. This does raise the possibility of 2 main bases. [UPDATE: As described below, I went back to BA and placed a Command Desk and do have two separate Outposts. The two Outposts share W/R/E, but not resources.]
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Because Game 4 of Conqueror BoS/Liberator in modified Survival (saves and fast travel are allowed) is now going reasonable well, I have summarized my experience:
What I did between Games 1/2 and 4 were:
  • Deleted all Nexus and Steam mods, game saves, and Steam FO4 game files including files left after using Steam uninstall
  • Reinstalled Steam FO4, and Kinggath’s and Takarazuka's mods after they updated their respective mods (I prefer playing as BoS Liberator)
  • Did not install any scrap mods
  • Did not install any mods that logically appeared to potentially conflict with SS, RotC, Conqueror and the BoS Faction pack
  • After Game 3 started giving me the Quit freeze, did a mod hunt and deleted the old mod Fallout Loot Overhaul
As a result, Game 4 is reasonable stable, and after 48 hours of play, I have had just 5 non-recurring CTDs:
(1) there are several items that have been discussed/addressed in other threads that I look forward to KG et al improving:
  • Guards will not stay assigned to vassal martial plots
  • Civilian/Settlers can only be reassigned to the same settlement type - vassal to vassal and outpost to outpost
  • Settlers/civilians at an Outpost cannot be assigned to Boston Airport
  • Improved training - this is important to someone like me who starts Conqueror game play after reaching a modest level, i.e., BoS/Liberator starts after the Prydwen arrival and Fort Strong quest
(2) now the good stuff
  • for someone like myself who prefers micromanagement, the Conqueror mod allows this style
  • Assault combat is working well – for example I assaulted Sunshine to make it a vassal. Me, Danse (again he did not shoot me), 3 BoS Aspirants, and 6 BoS Initiates versus 1 Legendary Gunner, 4 Gunners, 3 Gunner Privates, 6 Gunner Recruits and 2 Mr. Gutsys. Laser fire everywhere. I lost 5 BoS members. Another interesting thing occurred – while trying to reach the rally point, Danse passed too close to Sunshine and the 2 Mr Gutsys and 1 Gunner Private came out and chased Danse and me down the hill for a brief fire-fight in front of Sunshine.
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...and again Danse did not shoot me - making progress.
Sounds like somebody is well on their way to a successful romance!

I've also run into the problem of not being able to move civilians out of outposts and into other settlement types. It is especially troublesome when you start with pre-built pre-populated settlements, and you liberate one that's already full of civilians. They are much less productive in an outpost (even though they use the same 10 rations each), you can't move them *out* of the outpost, and they completely wreck your morale when they vastly outnumber the soldiers in the outpost. If the city plan also uses blue-man work nodes instead of actual plots, it pretty much breaks your liberator game. You just can't progress with all those civilians draining your rations and not putting anything back into the W/R/E/C system to allow for more recruitment.

As for Boston Airport, that's not really a settlement. A lot of the settlement functions are disabled there. You can't plant crops for food. You can't build a recruitment beacon. You can't move people there from *other* settlements. I'm wondering if some of the settler AI is unavailable there as well. Its' sole purpose, as far as I know, is to give you a place to build the stuff you need to get into the *REDACTED* later on in the story. The Minutemen have the Castle, and the Railroad gets the island, so the Brotherhood needed their own special place that allowed the player to construct the necessary structures and equipment. I, too, tried to make it my primary outpost in a BoS liberator game. That game ended up being a mess. I actually did end up with loads of civilians at the airport, only they were captives now, because of a whole long list of shenanigans that occurred with liberating Nordhagen Beach. However, I think if someone knew the pitfalls ahead of time and planned accordingly, they could probably turn Boston Airport into a pretty good HQ for a BoS liberator game.
Back in April when I was having serious, reoccurring problems, I started with the Boston Airport as my HQ/Outpost which may have also contributed to the problems. With everything I have read since then I am inclined to stay-away from an unmodded Boston Airport as an Outpost or Vassal. Now the game has also limited my choices - can not assign settlers there nor assault to make Outpost or Vassal. [Update This problem appears to have occurred due to sending a settler from a vassal there first, and eventhough I sent the settler back that was sufficient to prevent assignments. So I loaded an old save before I sent the settler to the Boston Airport, placed a Field Command Center at the Boston Airport and that now allows me to send settlers/civilians from other Outposts.]

For my play style (BoS/Liberator, survival) and recognizing the large pre-built settlement staffing, I have concluded a second Outpost is not necessary. [UPDATE: I now have a second Outpost at the Boston Airport which is working reasonable well.] I have read, but can not remember where, that other players have encountered problems with too many NPC's at a settlement due to computer limitations. If that is true, to increase the size of your army, warriors can also be assigned to Vassals, but will exercise less control than guards, and must be balanced against vassal morale. Anyway, everything at the moment is working relatively well.

My only new request to KG and the gang would be to have the option of mortal settlers and civilians. [UPDATE: when I assault County Crossing to make it a vassal to the Boston Airport, 3 -5 civilians who were bound were suspended in the air just inside the NW gate. With all the laser fire, probably need an on/off toggle for mortal settlers, particularly during an assault.]
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After 92 hours of game play, the Conqueror/BoS Liberator - survival with 37 mods, is still reasonably stable with no significant problems. I have had 10 CTDs which to the best of my memory, is about what I experienced with the vanilla game over more than a 1,000 hours of game play. Currently, I am level 29 with 2 Outposts (Red Rocket and Boston Airport) and 6 Vassals (Sanctuary, Abernathy, Starlight, Sunshine, Tenpines and Nordhagen). And yes, after the previous comments regarding the BA, I did make BA an Outpost with no mods by placing a Command Desk at the airport, which after 20 hours appears to be working satisfactory. Also, the shooting range appears to be working.

After successfully assaulting Nordhagen (me, Danse and 10 BoS versus 2 Legandary Gunners, 1 Mr. Gutsy and 13 other types of Gunners plus the assorted machine guns and laser turrets), I had 2 minor problems at Norhagen that raise 2 additional questions:
(1) Build Limit - the build limit was reached and exceeded so that repeated weapons drop/work bench store technique was not successful. Just need more patience and more drops/store. The question is: how much of the prebuilt, if any, can I scrap without being concerned?
(2) Civilian Move - there were 17 civilians/settlers and 16 beds which affects happiness, so I decided to move one settler to another vassal. On the Send Settler To list, several Vassals were "blacked - out" and not available. However, each had the room to upgrade, so what is the most likely cause of this? Also, the Charisma limit is OFF.
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As for the build limit, it can be increased by going into the City Manger holotape, under tools, then configuration where there will be an option to increase build limit. You'll want to run it a few times for most city plans to fit in.
I can't comment on the other points, just recently started using Conqueror and with the settings I'm using I can't scrap items or move settlers in vassals.
As for the build limit, it can be increased by going into the City Manger holotape, under tools, then configuration where there will be an option to increase build limit. You'll want to run it a few times for most city plans to fit in.

Thanks NDCowdy - I applied the configuration tool (25%) twice and I still could not build anything new at Nordhagen or Tenpines. Because the game is playing well with a few "relatively minor" problems (see above), I decided to stop increasing the build limit and live with it. I do have another question - is it possible to find how much a settlement is specifically over the build limit?
When you use the option to increase the build limit, the confirmation window will tell you how far over the limit you already are. I'm not sure if you can find this information anywhere else.
When you use the option to increase the build limit, the confirmation window will tell you how far over the limit you already are. I'm not sure if you can find this information anywhere else.
Thanks - unfortunately, I am not getting this notification consistently. After your response, I reloaded an earlier save and tried for the third time to increase the max by 25% * 2, but did not receive any message. I did verify the tool was working by running the recalculation and noting the settlement build limit bar changing. Once during my first attempt at increasing the build limit by 25% * 2, I got a confirmation message stating the new level was 141% etc. Because the game is playing relatively well, I am hesitant to increase the build limit more than 25% * 2. So I will play with what I have. Thanks again/.
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Most of the city plans (contest ones anyway) use a 200% limit (used to use the +25% 3 times). The plans as they build don't always come out with the same build total as when they were originally built. Changes in chosen plans and performance settings can really hit there. There are console commands that can be used to let you have figures for the build useage/limit. I've not used them myself but @MadGax has talked about using them, he may be kind enough to let us know what they are. There are also city building settings that can be set to ignore the build limit when constructing, but if you're trying to limit for performance issues that might not be what you need.
Most of the city plans (contest ones anyway) use a 200% limit (used to use the +25% 3 times).
At County Crossing, after 15 drop three weapons/workbench store, some scrapping and 25%* 3 or 4 (can't remember) increases, the new max build is 314% and the recalculation shows no change in the build meter. Next play-through will take Bullyrook's advice and have some no prebuilt settlements.
Thanks again.

PS: see https://simsettlements.com/site/ind...em-base-id-of-the-field-command-center.11728/ for additional build limit discussion.
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After reading https://simsettlements.com/site/ind...r-the-castle-can-it-be-done.10814/#post-74650 and Bullyrooks comment,
Admittedly it be more fun if you could just arrange an assault, so that the defenders have to fight the mirelurks, too. But you take what you can get.
tried twice to assault the Castle to make it an Outpost. The first time there were 3 bound civilians and 1 Gunners and 1 Mr. Gutsy, and the second time there were 4 bound civilians and no opposing force. In both cases, I finally had to defeat the Queen myself, but the Castle would still not ally itself. On my third try, defeated the Queen directly, placed a Field Command Center and made it an Outpost.
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