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Future Ideas


So I am enjoying SS2 quite a lot but there are certain things that I would like in the future updates of the mod.

1. Companions - I really wish or would like the mod makers to code in the unique settlers or companions into the city planners' desk. In other words, I would like to click on the desk go to select a leader and all the companions you have unlocked are available to be the leader of that settlement. Instead of the other way where you have to recruit them, go to the settlement, say goodbye to them and select the settlement you want them to be at, then go to the settlement, find the companion, go to workshop mode and select them then go to the table and select the table. This to me is frustrating and annoying and I believe this concept of more steps pushes people away and it could easily be fixed with just some more coding.

2. Upgrade - I would like there to be an upgrade city-level progression in the city planners desk. So what I mean is I would like to click on the desk to get the pop-up and have a submenu that shows you the progression of that settlement and what you need to get it to the next level. Scrap, time, happiness, just a simple sub-menu so you're not wondering or waiting to see the city plot upgrades.

3. Unique Settlers. So I have done the optional quests for the Ron (the Powell family and Anton) and what I have read is once you do this you will start to get unique settlers. Whenever I click on the city planners desk and select leaders it always says no unique settlers available. Am I missing a step or is there a quest or is it a time thingy?

4. Boston Airport Settlement - So if you select the Boston airport SS2 plan you cannot select anything to build due to the build limit. So if you wanna build a resource container to give your settlers some salvage, you can't unless you delete one thing from the plan. So just a heads up.

5. Plot Building Issues - so there are some of my settlements that for some reason would rather build recreation, security, or city services. Now in my head, the 3 things that the settlements should build first and foremost are food, water, and bedding. So if the mod makers could alter the code or change it to have food, water, and bedding as the most important plots to build instead of security or recreation, or entertainment. That would be great

There are some other issues, but I can't remember them now.

Slow Fat Wombat
3. Unique Settlers. So I have done the optional quests for the Ron (the Powell family and Anton) and what I have read is once you do this you will start to get unique settlers. Whenever I click on the city planners desk and select leaders it always says no unique settlers available. Am I missing a step or is there a quest or is it a time thingy?
You have to have actually had them spawn first, and then do whatever they ask to be recruited as a Settler; They are a random chance to spawn at any settlement that meets their requirements (each Unique has their own, but all require at the very least an active Radio Recruitment Beacon plus whatever else they expect), completing THE RON's quests merely adds an additional "re-check once per ingame week" to make them a little more frequent. I don't THINK any of them actually count as Leaders, though, they're just Settlers with custom dialog and better SPECIAL stats than the generic dudes have (and quite commonly unlock an additional plot design for their personal house/shop/whatever).
So I am enjoying SS2 quite a lot but there are certain things that I would like in the future updates of the mod.

1. Companions - I really wish or would like the mod makers to code in the unique settlers or companions into the city planners' desk. In other words, I would like to click on the desk go to select a leader and all the companions you have unlocked are available to be the leader of that settlement. Instead of the other way where you have to recruit them, go to the settlement, say goodbye to them and select the settlement you want them to be at, then go to the settlement, find the companion, go to workshop mode and select them then go to the table and select the table. This to me is frustrating and annoying and I believe this concept of more steps pushes people away and it could easily be fixed with just some more coding.

2. Upgrade - I would like there to be an upgrade city-level progression in the city planners desk. So what I mean is I would like to click on the desk to get the pop-up and have a submenu that shows you the progression of that settlement and what you need to get it to the next level. Scrap, time, happiness, just a simple sub-menu so you're not wondering or waiting to see the city plot upgrades.

3. Unique Settlers. So I have done the optional quests for the Ron (the Powell family and Anton) and what I have read is once you do this you will start to get unique settlers. Whenever I click on the city planners desk and select leaders it always says no unique settlers available. Am I missing a step or is there a quest or is it a time thingy?

4. Boston Airport Settlement - So if you select the Boston airport SS2 plan you cannot select anything to build due to the build limit. So if you wanna build a resource container to give your settlers some salvage, you can't unless you delete one thing from the plan. So just a heads up.

5. Plot Building Issues - so there are some of my settlements that for some reason would rather build recreation, security, or city services. Now in my head, the 3 things that the settlements should build first and foremost are food, water, and bedding. So if the mod makers could alter the code or change it to have food, water, and bedding as the most important plots to build instead of security or recreation, or entertainment. That would be great

There are some other issues, but I can't remember them now.

Slow Fat Wombat
Alright so... let's do this.

1- It doesn't matter how much you think it's easy, it never is. I'm not commenting on the idea itself, I'm simply saying it is ALWAYS harder than people think. Hell I KNOW that and every time I hazard a guess it's always hardter than I thought. And that's on top of ANY change you do to code can potentially make something else worse. We've seen that a million times. If you don't understand, google "99 bugs in the code".

2- Read Above

3- Well did you get new names settlers going to your settlements? Unless you meet them, talk to them and... well from there it's case by case really, won't spoil it. But in any case, it's not by the city planner that you would see them. They would be named setters in your settlements.

4- Welcome to reality. That place has about the build limit of a ham sandwich. A decent size sandwich but still a stupid f***ing sandwich. I'm exagerating but you get the point. If you aren't comfortable raising the build limit, then I'd recommend building this place (and some other probably) manually. Trick from a former Xbox user, interiors are insanely easier on the build limit compared to exteriors, no matter the size.

5- See 2. Especially this one. There is no AI in there. If you want to decide which ones are build first you will need to assign them manually. At least the ones you absolutely want first. To be honest I never use city plans. Again, former Xbox user had limitations but also I just prefer to build and pick what I do myself. My style is a lot more minimalist, efficient and less... let's call it over the top, compared to most city plans.

Oh and I never trusted any Bethesda AI to make the right decision so even for who goes where I won't let them chose. I'm fairly certain if it wasn't for me most of them would drown in an empty bathtub. Every mole rat in existence seems to have more drive to survive than the unnamed settler. So since they can't be trusted to tie their shoes they can't be trusted to decide their own hobbies. No! No karate, daddy said you will go on the treadmills. Because I said so stop asking questions and raise than endurance.

Hope it entertained. Maybe it even helped but I hope it entertained :wink
Someone actually asked about "smarter" auto assign in that q&aStream some time back, kinggath said it was technically doable but orders of magnitude more script load to work, and thats the last thing this mod needs.
thanks for the replies you guys and I understand it, maybe I'll just find some leader mods for SS2 - and see how they go, the worse scenario is I break the game or mod.
If you're like me and many others who've completed the first part of the quest line and don't want to do it again, then there are some console commands and a mod that can speed things up.