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Fiberglass manufacturer

Cranky Cat

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Community Rockstar
Hi all,

I recently ran short of it and there's really no good way to get fiberglass except for scavenging; i.e synth armor mostly. It's required for lots of weapons mods and armor but seems to be pretty rare.

Has anyone done any plots for fiberglass yet? Everything else seems to be in there somewhere.
Maybe that one advanced armor factory? I have one, but no idea what it actually produces.
@pra I think the armor factory produces ballistic fabric so you can make your own. I never realized how much fiberglass is used until I ran out of it! I like to upgrade weapons and armor to give to the settlers and both need it.

I'm thinking you'd need the plastics factory and the glass factory (or blower) to make it or some variation of plastic and glass at any rate.
I was also bottlenecked by fiberglass for a while on my current playthrough. Never really had that happen before. So could be nice with a plot that makes it.

I was also really surprised that none of the Excavation pit upgrades were for Concrete. Seemed obvious. I know the mining pit kinda produces it, but not in that great amounts.
Another Brick In The Wall by Sebbo has some plots for that. I really like the upgrade to the architectural/builder which is on the concrete line. I also like the city hall although Sebbo isn't active and the desk needs to be updated. I think this is also where the purple bus-stop home is from which looks really nice at level 3.
Maybe kinggath will integrate his mod into the next megapack or something...
All that geology-related stuff would be perfect for an adv. factory which still produces terraformer materials at lvl3.
Yeah, some of the L3 plots are good for things like supplying adhesive or nuclear materials at a fairly steady pace. It's good to get that for concrete too.
Hi all,

I recently ran short of it and there's really no good way to get fiberglass except for scavenging; i.e synth armor mostly. It's required for lots of weapons mods and armor but seems to be pretty rare.

Actually, the unmarked Charlestown Dry Cleaners is a great source for fiberglass; it has bunches of Abraxo boxes laying around inside, and they respawn every 2-3 game days. It's my go-to place for characters that don't have Scrapper, or for a lot quickly.

It's to the right as you come across the bridge towards Bunker Hill -- follow the road to a Maritime Memorial in a triangle, and the cleaners is right in front of you (bluish door, if memory serves).