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Dynamic happiness of a robots option.


Happiness of a robots is fixed at 50.
I think whether this expresses that no robot has emotion.
However, it seems that Fallout robots has emotions like Codsworth, Curie, Ada.
(By the way Takahashi also has an ego suggested in a conversation with Codsworth.)
So I think that the happiness of a robots is more dynamic like a human being is lore-friendly.
Would you consider implementing such options?
(I want to make such MOD by myself, but Bethesda Launcher does not work on my PC.)
If there is a problem "Robot Morale Officer" city leader trait will be meaningless.
IMO the solution should be a happiness module. The robot gains the voice of Dr. Goodfeels and has a happiness of 100% :D

A less ridiculous idea would be a "settler mode" module. A robot with it cannot be used as a companion (and does not annoy you whenever you come close!), but can have happiness.

I think you would need to be able to edit dialogs for this. The last time I tried to look ino that I suffered 4d6 sanity damage.
I'd be happy with a settler module that toggled off they're asking if you're ready to go!