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driving myself nuts


Well-Known Member
Can someone verify for me that the Nuka World DLC did NOT come with a Nuka World bus?
Reason I'm asking, I'm building on Nuka World Red Rocket, and of course, I want to add some assets related to the environment, including the Nuka World branded busses, but I cannot find it in any Nuka World related build menu.
So, I then went to the Builder's Toolkit, and can't find one there. I went to other building mods I have, and again turned up empty.
Is it me?
Does anyone know a mod that does include the Nuka World bus, or, a console command that I could use to spawn one into my settlement?
Stupid Nuka World.

...and I put this in the wrong forum.
Honestly, I have a head full of porridge at the minute.
thank you my friend. i knew i had seen it at some point in the past....appreciate it.