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Doubt this is a bug......


Well-Known Member
I have a single milking shed at lvl 3 in my Sunshine settlement. Somehow the brahmin decided to get out of the pen and wander through the settlement. Up to the time when it got out, it was making 5 jugs of milk a day. Now the farm produces ..... zip. But I do suspect the are cow patties everywhere. Can I put the cow back in the pen with the console? If so, please explain how. I was thinking of refreshing it.
I have a single milking shed at lvl 3 in my Sunshine settlement. Somehow the brahmin decided to get out of the pen and wander through the settlement. Up to the time when it got out, it was making 5 jugs of milk a day. Now the farm produces ..... zip. But I do suspect the are cow patties everywhere. Can I put the cow back in the pen with the console? If so, please explain how. I was thinking of refreshing it.
Yes. Refresh the plot will work if your animals decide to take a trip around your Settlement.
Sadly, it's a side effect of letting them wander a bit around their pen. Resource production is not tied around them in any way, however, because the animals are just for show :>
When you see them just outside their pen , go into workshop , pick up a turret and gently push them back in with it , i do it all the time with them and molerats........i thinks its funny they get out and you have to push the little gits back in.....
One small thing.... the critters keep getting out even after refreshing the plot. Can we threaten to send them to the abbatoir?
You can threaten them, but they might overthrow you.
When you see them just outside their pen , go into workshop , pick up a turret and gently push them back in with it , i do it all the time with them and molerats........i thinks its funny they get out and you have to push the little gits back in.....

If you have place anywhere you can just pick them up and place them where ever you like. You have to enable Extra items though (Insert key). But this only works for PC.