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Fixed Current Xbox download glitched


New Member
First of all top notch stuff mate, really well done. So earlier today I downloaded the new update which worked fine, however about 30 minutes ago the mod claimed to be updated again at a lower download size, I figured you may have condensed the files makeong it smaller so I hit update, however it removed it from my library and every time I try a redownload it, it just doesn't, I don't get a message (which is usually the case with in it's usually bugginess) I assume it's an issue with itself not your mod, just thought I'd make you aware however.
Interesting. I did update the version number on the website page, maybe that was a bad idea? I'll see if I can reupload it tonight.
OK, so yeah, that site is jacked up, when I went and updated the version to my normal versioning (0.7.4) it applied that version to the older version of the mod (Version 2 on xbox) instead of the newer on (Version 3 on xbox).

I think I may have fixed it now, please try again when you get a chance at let me know.
Hello Mytigio, I'm still trying to get it. At least It's just a glitchy thing some of my settlers were building robots :)