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Solved CTD with some building in Mega Pack Year 2


New Member
Hi everybody,

maybe someone has seen something similiar, so I'm posting here. When I try to visit Sanctuary I get a CTD. I have disabled nearly all Sim Settlements add-on packs (but IDEKs Logistics) and the error went away. I narrowed it down to Mega Pack Year 2. As soon as I remove that mod from the list, I don't get a CTD anymore. Even when enabling all other Add-On Packs. I unfortunately cannot say which building in particular is problematic because it crashes, but I can provide the savegame, so somebody is probably able to help or guide me through it. I experienced something similiar with AltairPs Animal Farm. That seems to be confirmed by other users on Nexus page.

It certainly could be a unique problem since my game is heavily modded and has lots of progress in it. So I might broke it at another point.

Thanks in advance and let me know if some info is missing.
Honestly, you're going to have a hard time to find the root cause of the ctd you face - you may well have to write the game off completely and start over, because even if you find the root cause - removing a mod mid play through does nothing except break the game.
if you start over, i'd adopt the following policy - this is based on my own experience of game breaking things;

1. remove ALL creation club content. It's really not worth it. So many issues have come about because of that stuff. The Tunnel Snakes mod did, at one time, break the first quest in the game when you meet Codsworth and go around Sanctuary killing flies - so much for better QA on that one. That issue may have been fixed, I know not, I removed all the creation club content i had when I found this to be the culprit and never downloaded another thing.
2. ensure that the UFO4P patch loads directly after the game and DLC masters.
3. If you're going to build santuary/red rocket/abernathy - build them small. Don't use city plans for them at all.
4. Limit the number of settlers in those settlements max 15 - but i tend to stop around 12 in sanctuary, 6 or 7 in red rocket and 15 in abernathy. i never go over those settler limits simply because this area is a mess and you will get some pretty bad script lag.
5. limit the number of sim settlements plots in red rocket. it's a small settlement, you can get by with some prefabs and some beds placed manually. it can suffer because if you build up sanctuary and abernathy there's some pretty nasty script lag due to the close proximity of these settlements to each other.
6. awkcr - supposed to be a 'framework' - to me it's just bloatware and very unstable bloatware at that. instead of doing one thing and doing it well, more and more features get added to it and it's constantly being patched and repatched and patched some more. i removed it from my game when they disavowed all support for problems if you use vortex. Having removed it, i have a much more stable game experience. i value longevity of play though over loads of half-baked ideas that cause more ctd's than enhanced gameplay.
you may want to look at removing valdacil's sorting. afaik that mod hasn't been updated for a long time and was superceded by vis-g.
that's my suggestions to you in terms of reducing your modlist and hopefully giving you a more stable game as a result.

When I do a fresh Fallout 4 game install, I go into the data folder and delete all creation club content right away (26 files with base game) ... my stability has only gone up and up...

Love workshop re-arranged, but I find using it with Sim Settlements and... and ... and ... yeah, overhead is a nice way of saying bloat and script lagging... in a base vanilla game without sim settlements, ROTC, etc... workshop rearranged is awesome if you want to do basic and even advanced builds... but when you mix it with SS, Horizon, etc etc etc, my stability goes way down.

Less is better by the way... stay under 200 mods total (including esl files) and it is fine ... 200 plugins plus a ton of esl's or esl tagged esp files, bog city...

I have gotten to the point of not wanting "half-baked" ideas or simply mods that work great alone, but don't respect that the engine for Fallout 4 sucks donkey....
