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CTD during the loading screem after I installed Chapter 2

Sorry for the bothering you guys , however I installed the Chapter 2 and it immediately crash during loading screen when I was trying to load an old savegame , and when I tried to started a new one , it loading for infinity . I'm sure I have the newest version of SS2 and Workshop-Frame , and load them as the suggested load order [ HUD-FRAME , WORKSHOP-FRAME , SS2 ,SS2C2 ] I also installed some add-on pack of SS2 , but I guess the main problen is in Chapter2 , because the CTD only happened when I installed it and trying to load game .
Any method for me to slove the problem ?
I really love the story of chapter 2 especially you need to united all people in Commonwealth then fight against one big evil group and the story part of Wasteland Lawenforcement forces .