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Question Conqueror: Interrupted scenes are killing me here...


Well-Known Member

This has happened the past 4 or 5 times I've restarted. I've not seen the end of "Burdern to Bear" or any of the Conqueror quest line that follows. And I'm all but certain it's because of broken scenes--or I'll rephrase, interrupted scenes.

In the picture above, it's the conversation Jammer and the recruit have about slavery (after taking control of three settlements). She started to wander over to him, but it was interrupted by hostile entities at my six--in this case, a group of supermutants. The Outpost goes bananas, lots of gunfire, the green uglies all die, and... we then get this. Jammer and the recruit just stand there, staring at each other.

Eventually, Jammer wandered off, to go stand in the corner of the outpost (like a naughty child told to go stand in the corner), while the recruit just remains exactly where she is, not moving. I slept overnight, and yep, Jammer's still standing in the corner of the outpost. I don't think he moved since.

Now, I'm pretty certain of what will happen when I claim the next settlement, triggering "A Blast From the Past"--I'll report back when it starts (or doesn't). Because that's my bet. It'll half-trigger, or not trigger at all.

This sort of thing has interrupted Ophelia's third scene post "Mechanized Makeover", her first scene post "Mechanized Makeover", and her third. Again, when this happens, it's pretty much the end of the Conqueror quest line for me, as everything from that point gets completely fucked. Sometimes it half-works, but most of the time, nothing happens.

Sure, I can continue to claim outposts and vassals, but again, the quest just grinds to a halt.
This is actually a vanilla issue but you don't see it as much because most of the scenes take place in a controlled environment.
The characters should not be breaking entirely, you should be able to start the scene over, but hostility during any scene in game runs the risk of breaking it.
The only way to fix it entirely is to flag the characters to ignore hostility during the scene, which has the obvious side effect of them continuing while all hell breaks out around them and you getting killed while in dialogue.
If you have anything that effects spawns or npc combat behaviour you should really make sure you clear the area around settlements before a scene starts. I always do.

This is a real pet hate of mine and it's what I spend most of my time chasing down in testing, you wouldn't believe the amount of times I've done some scenes in order to try prevent this happening.