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Confusion about resources vs virtual resources used for building.


New Member
I understand that everything your settlement generates goes into virtual storage used for settlement stuff only. I'm playing in the "categories" mode.

Main question is can that virtual stuff be used to build things vanilla objects or otherwise? For example, I'm trying to build a water pump that says I need concrete (0/1 on build reqs display) but according to my virtual resources panel I have 25 "construction materials" (the wheelbarrow icon). Are all "construction materials" interchangeable in category mode? Can they be used to build stuff or do I need to personally donate everything used for building?

Also if I remove the vanilla melon plots my foot goes to 0 despite having 2 ag plots. They have red water icons (despite my early settlement having 3 water production) so maybe they need more water?

I understand that everything your settlement generates goes into virtual storage used for settlement stuff only. I'm playing in the "categories" mode.

Main question is can that virtual stuff be used to build things vanilla objects or otherwise? For example, I'm trying to build a water pump that says I need concrete (0/1 on build reqs display) but according to my virtual resources panel I have 25 "construction materials" (the wheelbarrow icon). Are all "construction materials" interchangeable in category mode? Can they be used to build stuff or do I need to personally donate everything used for building?

Also if I remove the vanilla melon plots my foot goes to 0 despite having 2 ag plots. They have red water icons (despite my early settlement having 3 water production) so maybe they need more water?

Building vanilla objects uses "Junk" that you have in your Workshop or your Inventory.
Building plots uses the Virtual Storage materials, or if you don't have any will use materials from the Workbench.

Red Water icons mean that the Agriculture plot requires Water and aren't functioning because they don't have enough Water to produce Food.
You could add more vanilla water producing objects, but really what you need is a Municipal Water plot. If you don't have Municipal plots unlocked yet, continue playing the main quests.

Here is a link to Virtual Storage in case I missed something that you may wish to know.
Similar issue here perhaps. I’ve had a problem arise since downloading the latest SS2 update, that I can no longer use Virtual Storage resources to build vanilla items. TBH, I’ve read conflicting sources as to whether it’s supposed to work like this, but the fact is that before the update I certainly could.

The frustration is that before I could use all those resources my building plans produced to build fusion reactors, water purifiers and walls around my settlements. Now I have too few resources to do anything like that. My virtual storage is full, capped at 140,000 and includes 13,000 steel, yet I have 8 steel available in workshop mode to build more storage containers. So I feel kinda stuck.

Is there a simple option for this or, as I hope is not the case, it is part of the design? I had a couple of gameplay options change with the update (such as HQ commands use task list) hence the question… and the fact remains, before the update I could use virtual storage for building any workshop item, so why has it changed now?

Thanks in advance for all help.
Similar issue here perhaps. I’ve had a problem arise since downloading the latest SS2 update, that I can no longer use Virtual Storage resources to build vanilla items. TBH, I’ve read conflicting sources as to whether it’s supposed to work like this, but the fact is that before the update I certainly could.
No, you certainly couldn't. It has nothing to do with the update. There is a devide between virtual resources and normal scrap resource. You can use normal resources to build SS2 plots but you cannot use virtual resources to build anything vanilla. As soon as a resource is "virtual" it is gone from the vanilla game.

The only thing I'm aware of you can do with virutal resources is paying the upkeep for vanilla buildings, such as turrets, if you opted for playing with upkeep.
Thanks for such a quick reply, that clears it up then. Although, I really could! My workshop resources replicated the virtual ones, now not. A fortunate glitch perhaps…

Yeah, being able to directly use SS2's resources like that is in the "does that sometimes, never managed to figure out exactly why" category of nigh-impossible-to-squash bugs. It's definitely not intended for you to be able to - those resource-production plots make orders of magnitude more stuff than you "should" have access to if trying to stick close to what the base game calls "balance".

There are, of course, other ways to get access to those "virtual resources", but not that directly, and requiring substantial progress through SS2's questline before you can do it anyway.
Certainly adds an extra challenge! I have turned commercial Auto-Restock off to try and make room for more useful components, and will build more ‘junk gathering’ plots which I understand provide directly into my vanilla workshop storage… so, that should eventually pay off.

Thanks again.