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Compacted City Plans


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
This thread is for reporting findings on the Compacted City Plans we're working on.

To Help Us Test:

EDIT 10/11/19: Version 2 is up with some different settlements to test out!

1. Download the City Plans: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28599?tab=files Download the "Compact CIty Plans Beta" file and extract it to your Fallout 4/Data/ folder
2. Enable the esl files in your mod manager. They have SimSettlements_RotC_Complex in the names.
3. Go to the corresponding settlements and apply the RotC complex version of the plan.
4. After each level finishes, check for texture problems, collision problems, or most importantly crashes, then you can force the next level with the console command: "cqf kgsim_cpmanager unlocklevel -1" without the quotes.

Report any crashing or issues you run into. Most importantly, we need the settlement you tested along with the level you were upgrading to.
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"cf kgsim_cpmanager unlocklevel -1"
Should this command upgrade the settlement immediately?
I’m not getting it to do so, I’m not sure why?
Compact City Plan Report

Red Rocket
Lvl 1, 2, 3
-Near flawless from what I could tell. The alarm at the road entrance needs adjusting from lvl 2 to 3 as it becomes inaccessible.
- The power armor station facing Concord becomes obstructed by a sawhorse misc. item placement in lvl 3.
- No overly obvious item collision issues or pathing problems.
-0 crashes.
- +10 frames on average throughout settlement

Sanctuary Hills
Lvl 1,2, 3
- Same as red rocket, near flawless
- Defensive turrets in the back entrance need adjusting from lvl 1-2. In my game they get moved but not turned around so they end up facing the wall.
- A few power conduits on the roofs need adjusting in lvl 2 as they’re too far apart.
- No overly obvious item collisions, all areas are fully accessible to both players & NPC’s.
-0 crashes

These new settlement plans have fixed all of my settler issues!
I was suffering from settlers not going to plots, settlers not responding to commands & settlers not reacting to fort attacks(only aggro’ing when enemy was in direct sight).

Not only is all of this gone, but I am getting on average 10-15 more FPS throughout my settlements now! I’m running a high end texture replacer WITH an EnB and still getting a solid 30fps on lvl 3 settlements!!
I think I’m going to cry tears of joy.. :cray:clap
Good stuff!:agree:
Have you been fast traveling away between level upgrades? If not you should do so as refreshing the cell between upgrades is important as sometimes objects can persist between levels otherwise.
Good stuff!:agree:
Have you been fast traveling away between level upgrades? If not you should do so as refreshing the cell between upgrades is important as sometimes objects can persist between levels otherwise.
Yeah I might have spoken too soon. I recently traveled out to The Slog & when I attempt to fast travel back to The Sanctuary or Red Rocket I’m getting a CTD every time now. BUT if I travel to Concord and then just walk in it works fine.:nea
That is to be expected, it doesn't matter how much KG and the team optimise, having full settlements in RR and Sanctuary is always going to be problematic.
Per the random items being mis-positioned, this will likely be a near permanent issue and not one limited to these compacted plans. Finding someone to rebuild the city plans and correct those issues has failed repeatedly. I've had at least 3 people sign up for the job, and every one of them has bailed. It's a long, exhausting process.

It's possible that once cdante releases his CK import tools for blueprints that we can take advantage of those to simplify the process of editing City Plans, but right now it's a giant pain.
That is to be expected, it doesn't matter how much KG and the team optimise, having full settlements in RR and Sanctuary is always going to be problematic.
I'm hoping this turns out to be not true, as I've got something big in the works beyond this compacting - but I'm not holding my breath as this engine is not particularly good at rendering large numbers of items. (Which is why some people find that looking at their feet while walking into a settlement prevents crashing)
Taffington Boathouse
lvl 1,2,3
-0 texture issues
-0 collision problems
-0 crashes
Nothing to report at any level. Running smooth as buttah.

Jamaica Plain

lvl 1,2
-0 texture issues 1&2
-0 collision problems 1&2
-0 crashes 1&2

Holding off level 3 for RP reasons, I want that area to develop its last stage naturally so I’ll update once it has.
I only had time to test Sanctuary Level 3 so far and I haven't found any issues. My fps only improved around 2-3 though, which was a little disappointing, but I guess it is simply capped by the amount of drawcalls, as neither my 8700k nor my rtx 2080 are at max load.

I only did a refresh though, would it make any difference if I scrapped the settlement and started it from scratch with the compacted plan? I don't see how it would, but I don't have a clue about the inner workings of SS, so I'd rather ask a stupid question ^^.
Game state: 85+hours, Level 70, Institute defeated, ~25 settlements owned, most setup via TSB, a few have been built from scratch and a couple had nothing. Only Taffington Boathouse and Murkwater Construction Site were available (from your list) to try out the new city plans. NB. Using the mod "Fallout 4 Seasons - Winter" which may affect some collisions.
PC: i7 4790, 16GB RAM, Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti.

Taffington Boathouse
- L0 to L1 and L2 to L3 upgrades did not generate the "City wide upgrade" messages so I had to rely on change of level value in HUD to see when it had completed.
- No missing textures at any level.
- No problems when fast travelling to or from Taffington.
- L1/L2/L3 collision between Tree Cluser and stairway to security station at southern entrance causing partial blockage of the stair.
- L3 collision between Tree and Tree Cluster with "Machine Rooftop Gen02" behind Salvage store.
- L3 "Medical Emporium" sign was merging into the wall so the last letters of each word couldn't be seen.
- The only crash I had around Taffington was after leaving there, going to the entrance to the Malden Center then heading south towards West Everett Estates, with the crash occuring at the intersection.

Murkwater Construction Site
- All upgrades went smoothly.
- No missing textures.
- No crashes when fast travelling to Murkwater but each time most of the settlers are clustered outside the front gate. (And most don't want to go to bed.)
- L2/L3 missing a crate from the stack of boxes next to the curtains in the back of the Trailer. (Stack of 4, the one second from the bottom is missing.)
- L2/L3 Problems with the vanilla beds (inc sleeping bags and mattresses) not always being respawned after a City Refresh.
- L3 Crash during a City Refresh.
- L3 Game froze at "City Refresh Complete" prompt.
- L3 The Advanced Industrial Oil Well upgraded to the Plastic & Polymers factory even though the option for Advanced Plot Upgrades was set to Manual. (I double checked a save made after Murkwater was upgraded to L3 and the Oil Well was still there, so it didn't occur as part of the city upgrade.)

The issues with the settlers seems be occuring at Murkwater but not at Taffington. If I arrive by fast travel at night the Taffington settlers are generally in bed, but the Murkwater settlers will be at the front gate.
I only did a refresh though, would it make any difference if I scrapped the settlement and started it from scratch with the compacted plan?
Shouldn't matter either way, though hard to say with this game engine...
Not sure if its an option, but If you can port this to xbox I can give it a test on that side.
Haven't been able to test all city plans yet, but I noticed something in Sanctuary and Vault 88. During the refresh process of level 3 of Sanctuary, this fallen lamp post kept blinking in and out of existence until finally disappearing completely once the refresh was done. However, the floating power conduit you can see above the roof did not disappear and remains even after waiting for 10+ minutes in the settlement to wait for the cleanup script to do its job.

In Vault 88 level 0 there was a barricade at the entrance, right after the bridge ends, after the refresh with the compacted plan active that barricade never spawned in again, only the chair right behind it.

Hope this helps somewhat. I'll be doing some more testing in the coming days/weeks.
Yikes on missing items in Vault... hopefully I didn't misorganize my blueprint files. During the transition to the Optimized plans I had a period where our files were spread across multiple teams in 3 locations, and I may have screwed up labeling them. Will need to take some time to get this sorted.
Keep in mind though that my save file is over 100mb in size and the character I've tested this on has over 600 hours of gameplay on it, so it also could be something on my end, would be best if someone else could confirm my findings.
Testing on an existing save is not ideal, it adds too many variables that make it hard to be 100% certain that you've encountered a bug with SS code.
We have saves we can give you that are set up just for testing.
Here ya go https://drive.google.com/open?id=1MJp6d1dPaUdOYHqyVll8FJwpazUszKCI

That's the most recreated clean save there is.
Every settlement is unlocked.
On the off chance one is not unlocked click on the workbench in the console and setpv OwnedByPlayer 1
The character is not levelled so you will be vulnerable in combat/fall damage.
There's a txt file included that you can add to your Fallout4 root folder (same folder as the fallout4.exe). Then in-game open the console and bat shipments to add 100 shipments of each mat.
This is not a requirement just useful if you need to build for any reason.
It's best to keep a minimal loadorder and don't have mods installed that are not vital to testing.
If ya need anything else just ask, we'll be happy to help.
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