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Question City Plan Tool not building objects from ESL plugins correctly.


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I was doing a test build of one of my city plans (created with the tool on May 8th) when I noticed something odd. Conquerors automatic city plan builder is not correctly building city plans that use objects from ESL plugins.

Here is the ILS in the master save file:
Now here it is after the City Plan has finished building:

Here is Mister Tidy, Mister Law, and Mister Mechanic in the master save file. (Mister Medic was not checked)
Now here they are after the City Plan has finished building:
If you check inside of the blueprint json for the item, does it have a negative number for the form ID decimal field? I've sent cdante several examples of the blueprints incorrectly recording form IDs as negative numbers from ESL files.

I'm guessing he still hasn't fixed it. Or he may have fixed the import as his system can use the hex IDs since its through F4SE.
No, Form ID is positive. I've include the object json output in case anything stands out to you.

Mister Tidy
"ConnectedObjects": "",
"ExtraData": "",
"FormID": "831",
"FormID_dec": 2097,
"RemoveHavok": 0,
"Scale": 1.0,
"idx": 2278,
"isActor": 0,
"isAssignable": 0,
"isCreated": 1,
"isFarmAnimal": 0,
"isFood": 0,
"isGenerator": 0,
"isPowered": 0,
"isTamedCreature": 0,
"isTurret": 0,
"isWater": 0,
"name": "Mister Tidy Station Pad",
"plugin_name": "SettlementTidyBot.esl",
"posX": -82351.78125,
"posY": 89763.03125,
"posZ": 7763.208984375,
"rotX": 0.0,
"rotY": 0.0,
"rotZ": -137.11186218261719

Mister Mechanic
"ConnectedObjects": "",
"ExtraData": "",
"FormID": "81C",
"FormID_dec": 2076,
"RemoveHavok": 0,
"Scale": 1.0,
"idx": 2292,
"isActor": 0,
"isAssignable": 0,
"isCreated": 1,
"isFarmAnimal": 0,
"isFood": 0,
"isGenerator": 0,
"isPowered": 0,
"isTamedCreature": 0,
"isTurret": 0,
"isWater": 0,
"name": "Mr Mechanic Station Pod",
"plugin_name": "SettlementFixerBot.esl",
"posX": -82125.984375,
"posY": 89556.640625,
"posZ": 7763.208984375,
"rotX": 0.0,
"rotY": 0.0,
"rotZ": -137.11187744140625

Mister Law
"ConnectedObjects": "",
"ExtraData": "",
"FormID": "823",
"FormID_dec": 2083,
"RemoveHavok": 0,
"Scale": 1.0,
"idx": 2443,
"isActor": 0,
"isAssignable": 0,
"isCreated": 1,
"isFarmAnimal": 0,
"isFood": 0,
"isGenerator": 0,
"isPowered": 0,
"isTamedCreature": 0,
"isTurret": 0,
"isWater": 0,
"name": "Protectron Police Pod Mk 1",
"plugin_name": "SettlementCopBot.esl",
"posX": -77856.96875,
"posY": 85183.0625,
"posZ": 7525.8330078125,
"rotX": 0.0,
"rotY": 0.0,
"rotZ": -52.576831817626953

"ConnectedObjects": "",
"ExtraData": "",
"FormID": "00AE26",
"FormID_dec": 44582,
"RemoveHavok": 0,
"PlotPath01FormID_dec": 0,
"PlotPath01Plugin": "",
"PlotPath02FormID_dec": 0,
"PlotPath02Plugin": "",
"PlotPath03FormID_dec": 0,
"PlotPath03Plugin": "",
"PlotPlanFormID": "8C2",
"PlotPlanFormID_dec": 2242,
"PlotPlanPlugin": "SimSettlements_IDEKsLogisticsStation.esl",
"PlotStage": 0,
"PlotVIPStoryFormID_dec": 0,
"PlotVIPStoryPlugin": "",
"Scale": 1.0,
"idx": 1237,
"isActor": 0,
"isAssignable": 1,
"isCreated": 1,
"isFarmAnimal": 0,
"isFood": 0,
"isGenerator": 0,
"isPowered": 1,
"isTamedCreature": 0,
"isTurret": 0,
"isWater": 0,
"name": "Industrial Plot - Interior",
"plugin_name": "SimSettlements.esm",
"posX": -77764.6015625,
"posY": 86140.2421875,
"posZ": 7599.92041015625,
"rotX": 0.0,
"rotY": 0.0,
"rotZ": -66.416374206542969