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Changing HUD layout causes SS needs menu to disappear.


New Member
So I am using Def_HUD and the HUD Framework.

The issue I am having is that I want to customize my HUD. When I do that using the included HUDMenuSet.exe, if I move any of the HUD menu elements on the left side, the SS needs HUD ends up disappearing. From what I can gather, it's either being blocked or being placed in the background. I've moved some HUD elements around and I end up seeing just tiny sliver of the top of the needs menu. The needs menu will show up as normal when I first log in, but if I go into workshop mode it gets hidden.

Has anyone figured out to be able to customize your HUD and not mess up the SS needs menu?
HUDFramework attaches everything using it to the compass during normal gameplay, and the crosshair if you go into workshop mode. As long as those two aren't hidden or made too small, it shouldn't affect the SS meters too poorly.
Thank God for this thread! I suddenly noticed that my needs hud was gone and I could not figure out why. I had installed a few new mods that just happen to deal with the UI so I thought it was that, but just before I was about to post a question I saw this thread. I had recently made a custom Hud with DEF_UI and I had completely turned off my compass and made my crosshair tiny. I really don't like the crosshair but I do like it to show me when I mouse over something, so I had shrunk it so small you could really only see it when you moused over an item you could interact with.

I guess I will just turn off the crosshair altogether, oh well.

Thanks again for all you and your teams hard work!
I can't seem to find the SS needs HUD in the Def_UI menu setup at all -even after resetting it all to default. In game it's a bit obstructive and I would like to move it.
The SS Needs HUD can be controlled a little bit inside of the City Manager holotape. You can control how large it is and choose from a few different positions.
The SS Needs HUD can be controlled a little bit inside of the City Manager holotape. You can control how large it is and choose from a few different positions.
Thanks, kinggath, that was driving me nuts. You're doing beautiful things, Sir.