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Can't send people to the Castle

I cleared out the Castle before I got the quest. Later, I did the Powering up the Transmitter thing, but the option to send people to the Castle did not come up (not even for Preston). I am not sure if there is some time for the game to "clean up" the Castle, as it does, and maybe I can send them there. I know that I didn't unlock Sanctuary till I rescued Preston and Co. I can't imagine what mod in my LO might be conflicting, if that is the case. The only mod switch out I really did was took out Scrap Everything and replaced it with Raze My Settlement.
I haven't actually. Will be interesting to see if that is what does the trick. I was going to use Settlement Management to see if I could send people there via the terminal but I think I will hold off on that now.
Also if your trying to move from an outpost to a settlement (or vice versa) it doesnt seem to work.
Well, I did Old Guns. I can build artillery but can't assign people to it, therefore I can't properly finish the quest. IDK what the issue is, like I can't imagine what mod is conflicting here, this is the only settlement I have had an issue with so far. When I load up my Settlement Management holotape it says "not a valid settlement" which is a message one usually gets if one is using something like "Conquest" (but I am not)
Did you ever solve this or find some kind of workaround to "unlock" the Castle? I am having the same/very similar issue
No I didn't. It's one of those things where I really can't remove mods this far in and I am also too far in to just stop with this playthrough (going back to FNV after this one is over with). It sucks, but what can one do, I've just moved on and worked to complete the rest of the SS2 main quest.
You could try and spawn some settlers with either cheat terminal mod or console. First thing i would try though (idk if you did this or not) is to click the workbench and "claim ownership" of the settlement. Should not be a thing if you can use the settlement anyway but maybe worth a shot. You could also check if it's an outpost for some reason, before ch3, and if it is, you can only transfer settlers from other outposts or "conscript". If you can build a war planner desk (thats normally a chapter 3 thing) you could use it to change settlement type to "settlement".
I haven't done the claim workshop yet. I was able to build there prior to this happening. I did build a planner's desk but when I check it it says "not a valid settlement." So, I suppose I could try and build a war planner desk. I haven't really gotten to that stage, does the mod make certain "outposts" unchangeable?
idk if that is something I even want to do. Dealing with gunner enemies is probably my least favorite part of the mod. As it is I am in the high 80s and am awash with gear. It's a good mod for sure, but I also think I am just burnt out on Fallout 4.