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Can i install the extended part of SS2 mid game if i already have the base SS2 installed


New Member
I just realized I apparently forgot to install SS2 extended and im already more than halfway through my playthrough and have done a tone of settlement building id really rather not loose, is it too late to install the extended part of SS2 now?
I can be very very wrong but looking at the files for both versions (so I'd probably wait for someone more versed) but Extended only has a few extra files the base version doesn't have, everything else is the same. So technically if you add those files manually or just replace the non-extended mod with the extended version using mod manager, it should be fine?
If you have a bashed patch or sorter plugin you might want to rebuild them- but like @Antoine Soverie says ... give it a try. The plugin's reference from that point down will change so there might be some quirkiness or some extra 'info' dumped into the papyrus log and though it's not 'supported' by Bethesda(per se), you never really know until you give it a shot and see what happens. :smile