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Can a settler-assigned object produce meat and send to workshop?


Hi, is it possible to have a food plot also send a specific kind of meat to the workshop? I'm experimenting with a fish-related theme, and would like to make it also produce Angler meat when a settler is assigned, and have that sent to the workshop inventory, for the player to pick up for cooking. Is it possible to have something generate specific items and send them to the workbench, and if so, how? Or would I only be able to make it "harvestable" (like the butcher settler's workbench in the old mod Northland Diggers Resources?

I've got the ActorValues "WorkshopResourceObject" and "Food" assigned, but I believe I need to assign a WorkshopRating____ to get excess food into the workbench, right? I've noticed that similar items in many mods produce fruit/veg, like WorkshopRatingFoodTypeTato, even when they are themed on meat. I haven't been able to find anything on what WorkshopRatingFoodTypeX does, but based on a look-see into several mods and vanilla crops, my best guess is this is what populates excess food into the workbench, but that is a guess.

To keep things simple, I'm not too worried about settler food mechanics atm. I just want to figure out how get it into the workshop inventory for now.

Yes - you would want to have the meat in question as production.
Normally with production you would choose a type of vendor it would go to (that's how I do it with my ag plots) but you can also not pick a vendor type and then it goes to the workbench.