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Building plans

Scott Plummer

New Member
First of amazing mod, spent more time on this then the game I think.

My question, when you are going to use a building plan, it there a place to go to see that it looks like before you build it? I want to enlarge a residential lot with a new building and I have no idea what the many options look like.
First of amazing mod, spent more time on this then the game I think.

My question, when you are going to use a building plan, it there a place to go to see that it looks like before you build it? I want to enlarge a residential lot with a new building and I have no idea what the many options look like.

Scott, often times no.

What I do when setting up a new game is run a restricted LO on a test save.
Built it to the highest level then exit the vault and use a COC_ "console command" and check it out.

In fact, that is exactly what I am doing today. :friends
Further to @RayBo's comment, you could also use the console to unlock the building stages to see it fits your ideal. If you like it in its final stage, chose a new plan to revert back to level 1, then re select the plan you want. A bit round the houses, I know, but at least you don't have to wait ages to see what the outcome will be!
Thanks, there should be a repository of at least a picture of all the buildings. Is there a way to build a bigger residential plot than 2x2?
For my part, using method shared to me by @pra I have started to use build plan previews. Following convention of others the Level 1 stage model is displayed. I am uncertain if I ought to go back and do so for my old addon pack as well. Time spent on the old stuff means less time for new things or an even longer timeframe for those to be completed.



Scott this is what we have as far as something consolidated.

If you ever feel like volunteering to help us get pictures of everything please let one of us know?

We can always use more good help "the SS project is huge."
I second this, it would be quite valuable if a volunteer could create full sets of images to catalog all the current Sim Settlements plots for all levels as well as inside & out. It'd be useful to show a tabletop grid styled image depicting used area for oversized plots but that wold be even more work and require use of Photoshop or GIMP or similar software.

I can't commit to doing something like that as I'm terribly busy, as things are it's generally a while before I can finish up new things started.