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Bug Fix Bounties - $1000

Do you plan on releasing patches for the time being on OTHER bug fixes? (specifically the city plan objects being cloned into HQ?)
This is a base game issue not related to ss2 except the fact that it can occur With ss2 plots. Like kinggath said turn off auto city upgrades and turn the plot upgrades to on visit upgrades. Also don’t fast travel into a settlement that has ss2 plots or city plans then fast travel to an interior workshop cell after.

as far as fixing it unless you know how to recode the engine I’m guessing there is no fix that can be done externally.
There is a mod, Transfer Settlements. So, after the transfer of the settlement with the help of his save behaved exactly as it is now with Chapter 2 (very long, up to 5 minutes). After installing Chapter 2, save after the transfer of settlements became instant. That's what I think. Maybe somewhere there is a connection? If in that mod the rapid deployment of a large number of elements made the save long, but now it's gone. I, by the way, long saves are rare.
This is a base game issue not related to ss2 except the fact that it can occur With ss2 plots. Like kinggath said turn off auto city upgrades and turn the plot upgrades to on visit upgrades. Also don’t fast travel into a settlement that has ss2 plots or city plans then fast travel to an interior workshop cell after.

as far as fixing it unless you know how to recode the engine I’m guessing there is no fix that can be done externally.
I found a workaround after Kinggath explained it.
I found a workaround after Kinggath explained it.
What did you do to negate it on your end? I’ve never had to deal with it but I think it’s because I don’t use multi level city plans myself.
I've been playing a game with WSFW installed but not SS2. I am many hours in and have yet to encounter a long save. With SS2 installed, my first long save occurred early, just after completing If I Had a Hammer.

I'm moderately confident in saying that WSFW is not alone responsible for the long saves. However, I guess it remains possible that it has something to do with the interaction of WSFW and SS2.
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What did you do to negate it on your end? I’ve never had to deal with it but I think it’s because I don’t use multi level city plans myself.
Another user suggested to use the Vit-O-Matic whenever in a settlement. If it pops a result up within a couple seconds, you're good. Anything longer, go get a cup of joe and try again until it is down in that 2 second time area. Works wonderfully as a progress bar for scripts.
Great news! The HQ Reset bounty may be getting claimed this week. Ryan from the Buffout 4 team already identified the culprit, the hard part is creating a fix - he thinks he might be able to make an F4SE dll to fix existing saves!

For now, I'm going to eliminate the bug for tonight's patch on new saves.
the hq reset bug was one that i had personally the first time through so this is great news for me, super annoying leaving then returning and its all gone making you think you lost like 5 hours of game play.
hmm..so is it confirmed transfer settlements bugs HQ up? if so im glad i dont use that mod..nothin for nothin its a great concept but..eh i like HQ a lot, dont want to get it, have it reset
Great news! The HQ Reset bounty may be getting claimed this week. Ryan from the Buffout 4 team already identified the culprit, the hard part is creating a fix - he thinks he might be able to make an F4SE dll to fix existing saves!

For now, I'm going to eliminate the bug for tonight's patch on new saves.
great news but i dont know wat might be more stable a F4SE fix or a redraft of the offending npc!
great news but i dont know wat might be more stable a F4SE fix or a redraft of the offending npc!
He's being decimated, but it does not fix the problem in existing saves. Effectively we had an NPC that was set to "Starts Dead" and on him was a script that said "OnDeath - Queue a forced cell reset for 30 days from now". (Don't ask why this NPC was set up this way.... it's complicated and was a left over from an alpha build)

So effectively HQ had a timebomb in it. If you got to HQ in less than 30 days from installing C2, you get the bug, otherwise you don't since the reset would occur before you entered.
Another user suggested to use the Vit-O-Matic whenever in a settlement. If it pops a result up within a couple seconds, you're good. Anything longer, go get a cup of joe and try again until it is down in that 2 second time area. Works wonderfully as a progress bar for scripts.
I'm curious to know who would make such a bold suggestion! ;)
He's being decimated, but it does not fix the problem in existing saves. Effectively we had an NPC that was set to "Starts Dead" and on him was a script that said "OnDeath - Queue a forced cell reset for 30 days from now". (Don't ask why this NPC was set up this way.... it's complicated and was a left over from an alpha build)

So effectively HQ had a timebomb in it. If you got to HQ in less than 30 days from installing C2, you get the bug, otherwise you don't since the reset would occur before you entered.
So is that would mean if u where fully ready with stage 1 and rushed thru to hq u wil most likely have to find a load that has not done end of the beginning yet and wait til u are past the 30 days since downloading Ch2 from nexus?
Is that correct?
and is that 30 days RL or 30 days Gametime so if u where to wait 30 days from launching Ch2 with the sleep and wait 24 hours :cool:
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He's being decimated, but it does not fix the problem in existing saves. Effectively we had an NPC that was set to "Starts Dead" and on him was a script that said "OnDeath - Queue a forced cell reset for 30 days from now". (Don't ask why this NPC was set up this way.... it's complicated and was a left over from an alpha build)

So effectively HQ had a timebomb in it. If you got to HQ in less than 30 days from installing C2, you get the bug, otherwise you don't since the reset would occur before you entered.
Just checking since I'm paranoid - is that 30 days still 30 days on survival mode? I know cells reset less frequently in survival mode but I'm not sure if the settings that control that would apply to a reset called from a script.
Just checking since I'm paranoid - is that 30 days still 30 days on survival mode? I know cells reset less frequently in survival mode but I'm not sure if the settings that control that would apply to a reset called from a script.
I’d assume 30 days in game to allow the time for the script that was loaded into the dude saying after 30 days reset. So not a cell reset a time specific reset. I generally go wait inside diamond city for stuff like this since it allows the rest of the commonwealth to reset at the same time.
There is a mod, Transfer Settlements. So, after the transfer of the settlement with the help of his save behaved exactly as it is now with Chapter 2 (very long, up to 5 minutes). After installing Chapter 2, save after the transfer of settlements became instant. That's what I think. Maybe somewhere there is a connection? If in that mod the rapid deployment of a large number of elements made the save long, but now it's gone. I, by the way, long saves are rare.
I too have experienced a one time long save after transferring a ~3500 items Vault 88 blueprint using Transfer Settlements and without SS2 installed. Seems to be normal behaviour for the engine. However, what was more interesting is what happened when I nuked that same settlement using explosion effects the mod provides. If I put the game on pause/menu screen for a few minutes, the game would totally freeze for a while when I unpaused. What seemed to be happening was that the script/threads calling the special effects kept on going and when I unpaused the game those effects needed to catch up freezing the screen for a while. The explosion sounds kept playing (I was inside the settlement after all), but the graphics and everything else was frozen.

I'm guessing the same would happen in SS2 if you fast traveled quickly and repeadetly between your settlements. Kind of reminds me of those moments when lots of explosions happen at the same time in SS2 breaking the sound system and muting everything.
Wow! Fantastic to see one got nailed down already!

I haven't played in a while, but as soon as I installed Chapter Two and had the new quest going - long saves exactly as you described, around 70 seconds the first time. Actually thought the game had frozen before I remembered your post so waited it out, and sure enough, it finished and the game continued about its merry business as if nothing had happened. FWIW to any bughunters better at this than I, I noticed it didn't seem to matter if it was an autosave, a manual save, or either of these triggered by something else (the game's own autosave, hotkeys for either, etc.).