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Bug Buckle Up, Buttercup missing quest item?


Active Member
Has anyone been able to pick up the buttercup for this quest and complete it? I'm on my 2nd play through with a minimal load order and both times there hasn't been anything at the quest marker to pick up.
Same issue here! I was even trying to remember if I caught that item beforehand and sold it somewhere!

The quest icon is there but the buttercup is not! There's even a giddyup buttercup on the mayor's room that I tried giving the quest giver, with no success!
Submit the saves guys, it seems to be the best way for our man kinggath to check things out

If you're looking to complete the quest you can put in this console command:
SetStage SS2_CharacterQuest_LaceyBuckles 40
It will skip the quest to the end allowing you to assign the settler to wherever you wish (Sorry console players)
Has anyone been able to pick up the buttercup for this quest and complete it? I'm on my 2nd play through with a minimal load order and both times there hasn't been anything at the quest marker to pick up.

I’ll check the internal SS2 reports. I remember this being reported before.

Ref #211 GitHub, already on list.
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