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Addon Maker's Toolkit Discord


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Verified Builder
This discord is only for people learning to mod. DO NOT ask for mod support. - Edit by Damanding

If you are looking for somewhere to hangout while you work on Add-On packs, we have a Discord server set up!

It's a great spot to get help, share your progress, and talk about ideas.

Please reply to this thread to request an invite, and someone will PM you a link ASAP.

The Add-on Maker's Toolkit for SS2 is now available!
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If you are looking for somewhere to hangout while you work on Add-On packs, we have a Discord server set up!

It's a great spot to get help, share your progress, and talk about ideas.

Please reply to this thread to request an invite, and someone will PM you a link ASAP.

The Add-on Maker's Toolkit for SS2 is now available!
I'd love an invite to the addon dev discord. I hope to implement SS2 to settlers that are a part of my general quest overhaul that I've been working on.

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I need a re-invite. I purged my discord of servers that I wasn't active in a while back. Thanks.

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Can I get an invitation too? trying to make addon such as 'grey matters' quest with plot unlocks.

If you are looking for somewhere to hangout while you work on Add-On packs, we have a Discord server set up!

It's a great spot to get help, share your progress, and talk about ideas.

Please reply to this thread to request an invite, and someone will PM you a link ASAP.

The Add-on Maker's Toolkit for SS2 is now available!
I need help with an FO4Edit error "599: List out of Bounds (8)" while "Applying script "SS2\SS2_ImportStageData": List index out of bounds(8)"
@Steelbuns That sounds like you might have downloaded the scripts from the wiki, which I later took down. Grab the XEdit scripts from the Addon Maker's Toolkit zip file.
@Steelbuns That sounds like you might have downloaded the scripts from the wiki, which I later took down. Grab the XEdit scripts from the Addon Maker's Toolkit zip file.
I got the SS2 Addon Makers Toolkit-48521-1-0-1a zip from Nexus and tried again. Unfortunately I got the same result. All the steps for the tutorial "04_Decorating_your_building" seemed to match the instructions. Just not sure where to look?
My bet would be a problem with the spreadsheet. Which software are you using?

Either way, make a post here and someone will send you an invite to the Discord server so you can get some realtime help!
Open Office. That's what I would think but not sure what to look for. Thanks for the help.:good
Ok you pointed me in the right direction. For some reason the "Level" column was left out of the spread sheet. I added it manually and all worked fine. Now all I need to do is determine what I did wrong in the CK so that it didn't outpurt this field. Grrrrr...:mad:

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@Steelbuns I don't see a SENT under any of your posts so I'm unsure if you've received an invite (I can't give you one). Feel free to PM me any questions until you get an invite :)
Ok you pointed me in the right direction. For some reason the "Level" column was left out of the spread sheet. I added it manually and all worked fine. Now all I need to do is determine what I did wrong in the CK so that it didn't outpurt this field. Grrrrr...:mad:

Ok you pointed me in the right direction. For some reason the "Level" column was left out of the spread sheet. I added it manually and all worked fine. Now all I need to do is determine what I did wrong in the CK so that it didn't outpurt this field. Grrrrr...:mad:

I really appreciate the help. Looks Like I need to read the tutorial more carefully as I seem to have glossed over the part about adding the "Level" column. :jester
I'd like an invite to the discord! I'm new to all of this, but, I'd love to finally take part in the creative part of the community.

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If you are looking for somewhere to hangout while you work on Add-On packs, we have a Discord server set up!

It's a great spot to get help, share your progress, and talk about ideas.

Please reply to this thread to request an invite, and someone will PM you a link ASAP.

The Add-on Maker's Toolkit for SS2 is now available!
I'd like an invite

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If you are looking for somewhere to hangout while you work on Add-On packs, we have a Discord server set up!

It's a great spot to get help, share your progress, and talk about ideas.

Please reply to this thread to request an invite, and someone will PM you a link ASAP.

The Add-on Maker's Toolkit for SS2 is now available!
Loved SS1, SS2 is absolutely blowing my mind so I've decided to try my hand at modding. Would love an invite to the discord, have a feeling I'm going to need some help!

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I need another link sent. The one that was sent expired.

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