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Adding More Armour Slots to a Mod?


I've been slowly replaying Fallout 4 with Sim Settlements 2, essentially retracing my character's footsteps, and I'm at the point where I acquired a particular duster that is sort of my SS's default attire.

However, the issue I'm facing is that I'm playing on a much harder difficulty this time around, and need as much armour as I can wrap myself up in. The problem with this duster mod is that it only has one slot on the left arm to equip additional armour pieces.

So, basically, how can I edit the mod's plugin to add more armour slots to this piece of clothing:
If you run the crafting mods - LEO (Legendary Effects Overhaul), NEO (New Equipment Overhaul), ECO (Equipment and Crafting Overhaul Redux). You can get a ton of tweaks like equipping an invisible jetpack on your belt. Most impressively you can for free (in cheat mode) or with breaking down legendaries you can make up to five legendary effects on whatever weapon your crafting. Or just moving them like any other mod to new armor. It lets you have some silly fun - give a Ripper the 2076 bat effect, then some + plasma damage, +50 bleed, Grognak's axe's bleed and stagger, and finally take less damage when standing still.

There are a lot of Mojave dusters you can use on Nexus now. The mods above usually let you layer armor with the body armor. You can create some striking looks. Ive posted a few to the screenshots post in the general section :)

Oh you can also alter the base stats of a weapon - adding in speed of firing, range, damage, etc.You can finally have a minigun that doesnt forget to hurt things. :P