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Ada interference?


New Member
Haven't seen anyone else asking about this, but I'll throw it out there in case anyone has ideas: I'm a fair whack of the way into chapter 2 and I finally decided to do some the quests from the Automatron DLC. I got as far as 'A New Threat," when you have to build a robot workbench and put a radar beacon in Ada. But, when I load Ada into the bench, the interface to select mods never appears, and I can't close out of the menu. Sometimes it crashes to desktop. I've tried playing back from an earlier point and even loading her into the workbench at earlier points in the questline, but no change. Weirdly, I can build and alter other bots with no issue. I don't have a ton of confidence that this is really an SS2 conflict, but I can't see what else it would be--my mod loadout is pretty light and focused on SS2 at the moment, and everything that isn't SS2 related is stuff I've done full playthroughs with before. Anyone else having this issue?
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I've never seen that one before. There's one point in the questline - after you install the Radar Beacon, I believe at the point that it rolls the semi-randomised location of the next Robobrain - that it often 'hangs' for me, but I've never seen that one before. Could you post your full load order for me?
when you have to build a robot workbench and put a radar beacon in Ada
I've been through this part and up to discovering the Mechanist's lair. I don't think it is a conflict with SS2. Like Yaugie implied, we could take a look at your load order (text file with your plugins).