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76 settlement

So with fallout 76 on the horizion someone has to wonder what can we do to contribute to it? Granted i have a pretty good feeling that work on sim settlements in fallout 4 will continue but I'm thinking what if this little community did something together in fallout 76, where we made a settlement of our own in an eco sort of manner. each with our own homes and jobs where we manage a certain aspect for the settlement, like for instant someone works the farms while another runs water production.

a small group could form a scav team who could head out into the 'wasteland' (though it looks more like skyrim if you ask me) to gather supplies to help us build up the settlement. settlement leaders could be ether chosen in election or we could just have a town council who run everything.

I know this is a long shot and really I most likely won't be able to get fallout 76 since I live in the western americancountryside (in fact i'm on the western side of the mountains from the mojave.) so my internet is pretty crap for multiplayer games. but i just think that a community of people like you can do something amazing together when working together, after all you people made sim settlements a reality and into something amazing that replaced the crap settlement system that shipped with fallout 4.
I like your thinking.

I am hoping, in a year or so--once private servers are available, to put together a jerk-free 76 experience, with a hand-picked community dedicated to cooperation and creation.

(Provided, of course, that the game turns out to be able to support that.)
I like your thinking.

I am hoping, in a year or so--once private servers are available, to put together a jerk-free 76 experience, with a hand-picked community dedicated to cooperation and creation.

(Provided, of course, that the game turns out to be able to support that.)

I have a feeling they might have something like that over random servers, though i get the feeling a server like that will cost a pretty penny

If the game is solid, it might well be worth it, though.