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  1. R

    Vit-o-Matic (probably) broken

    Hi there, This is my first post so if anyone from administration is offended about me posting this thing here or anything then just let me know :D Okay so I've been playing on this mod for a few hours now and there's this scanner thing that let me see settler SPECIAL and things. The thing is...
  2. Grim Experiments

    Solved Slaves - Do I need to discipline them to get them to work?

    Lol, even though I would enjoy beating my slaves, this is more a question about a possible bug. I have 2 slaves at my outpost, however I can only assign them to non-ss plots, i.e. Salvage Beacons desk and vanilla crops. I should be able to assign them to anything, right? Or at least SS agri...
  3. pbenjamin

    Command Stuck

    So I was trying force the plots to level 3 to see if I was really short on food at level 3. The script does about 7 plots and goes silent. Fortunately it updates all my farm plots and two of the interior residential plots but doesn't seem to progress even after thirty minutes of standing...
  4. Cranky Cat

    Thread status display

    Sometimes Sim Settlements has alot of work to do and it'd be great to know how it's going. I'd like to be able to enable thread status update messages in the console or holotape. At the very least perhaps have a console command which displays a thread summary with # of active thread and the...
  5. IceCaps97

    Closed Small Spelling Error in Holotape

    This is not a "bug" but a small spelling error in the pipboy holotape. Load the City Manager 2078 Holotape, then navigate to [Tools] > [Show Tech Tree]. After it loads the technology trees, a message will appear: "The Tech Tree will be displayed after you exist your Pipboy." I believe "exist"...