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Inquiry on our boy Jake (romance spoilers beware)

I'd be curious to know what it is you have a problem with? Could you elaborate?
First, let me apologize for my language. I had a few beers just before that rant and yes, please, allow me to elaborate.

As far as a game play mechanic, I feel that the Romance option is stupid and pointless and has no place or value in this game...IT'S A GAME!
Maybe, if there was a point to it past the companion Affinity perks you get, I could understand. I don't think that it has any place in this mod specifically
because it is a building mod. There are plenty of mods that inject Romance etc into the game if I wanted it. I chose this mod because it is a building mod.

The other thing is the fact that the conversation Romance option was the FIRST in the list. How about making it a bit harder to get to?
It makes the character seem like a desperate loser looking for the next lay. IT'S A GAME NOT A LONELY LOSERS NIGHT CLUB!!

My point: It's a Build mod not a Romance mod and I don't want that option in my game! Can there be a setting to turn it off?
First, let me apologize for my language. I had a few beers just before that rant and yes, please, allow me to elaborate.

As far as a game play mechanic, I feel that the Romance option is stupid and pointless and has no place or value in this game...IT'S A GAME!
Maybe, if there was a point to it past the companion Affinity perks you get, I could understand. I don't think that it has any place in this mod specifically
because it is a building mod. There are plenty of mods that inject Romance etc into the game if I wanted it. I chose this mod because it is a building mod.

The other thing is the fact that the conversation Romance option was the FIRST in the list. How about making it a bit harder to get to?
It makes the character seem like a desperate loser looking for the next lay. IT'S A GAME NOT A LONELY LOSERS NIGHT CLUB!!

My point: It's a Build mod not a Romance mod and I don't want that option in my game! Can there be a setting to turn it off?

It's more than just a building mod; there's a story line and side stories. This is one of the potential developments in the story.

And the setting to turn it off would be "don't flirt or otherwise pursue a romance with Jake." Alternatively, use the "skip/advance story quests" and "unlock all plots" options in the holotape and just play with the buildings while ignoring the story.
" Alternatively, use the "skip/advance story quests" and "unlock all plots"
Well, I suppose if the mod is going that far off the rails with such "Story line" then this will have to be my remedy. Cheers!
Again, I have to thank the writer for ruining a mod that I really enjoyed.
Well, I suppose if the mod is going that far off the rails with such "Story line" then this will have to be my remedy. Cheers!
Again, I have to thank the writer for ruining a mod that I really enjoyed.
Ruined the mod with a dialogue OPTION? Piss off and and take your entitlement elsewhere. If its that big of a deal for you and you think it is for others then go make a patch instead of throwing a tantrum. These people worked hard and long to make something amazing we can all use for free. How about you appreciate that a little before crying like spoiled child that didn't get their way?
Ruined the mod with a dialogue OPTION? Piss off and and take your entitlement elsewhere. If its that big of a deal for you and you think it is for others then go make a patch instead of throwing a tantrum. These people worked hard and long to make something amazing we can all use for free. How about you appreciate that a little before crying like spoiled child that didn't get their way?


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Again, I have to thank the writer for ruining a mod that I really enjoyed.
Again, it’s not mandatory.

The jake romance option was not originally planned, it was added by popular request.

there is a point to it as well, you get an xp boost after sleeping near a romantic companion. I usually seduce all that I can and keep one at each major settlement so when I go there to build, I can sleep first and get an extra 15% xp or however much.

You sound like every redneck in my town screaming about gay marriage, like they were going to be forced to marry a dude.
First, let me apologize for my language. I had a few beers just before that rant and yes, please, allow me to elaborate.

As far as a game play mechanic, I feel that the Romance option is stupid and pointless and has no place or value in this game...IT'S A GAME!
Maybe, if there was a point to it past the companion Affinity perks you get, I could understand. I don't think that it has any place in this mod specifically
because it is a building mod. There are plenty of mods that inject Romance etc into the game if I wanted it. I chose this mod because it is a building mod.

The other thing is the fact that the conversation Romance option was the FIRST in the list. How about making it a bit harder to get to?
It makes the character seem like a desperate loser looking for the next lay. IT'S A GAME NOT A LONELY LOSERS NIGHT CLUB!!

My point: It's a Build mod not a Romance mod and I don't want that option in my game! Can there be a setting to turn it off?
Apologies for contributing to the popular demand for the romance option but... Fallout 4 is a Role-Playing Game. More options mean more freedom.
"How about making it a bit harder to get to?" If busy with side quests and settlements, it can take several in-game MONTHS to reach the first FLIRT option. And not everyone gets the charisma points needed for the second (very difficult) flirt option - which doesn't even start the actual romance! It instead got promised in a healthy and sweet way - which I love! (Thank you, Sirick!)
You can choose to play a "desperate loser looking for the next lay", it's what roleplay is about! But those players are better off with the vanilla companions who aren't tied to a story like this and don't require this many hours of gameplay to hear if they're even interested (complete chapter 1 for first flirt, defeat Gunners for the second flirt, and complete chapter 2 for reply). And it is all one OPTION.

My point: It's a game. You choose how to play.
Well, the women options in this whole romance fest are

What about my roleplay?


EDIT: oh ya and it kinda killed the moment when i got this option to "flirt" with Jake. Im like "Dude! We are not here for that. We have quest stuff to do."
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Meant to reply to this last night, as like - the main thread person. But I agree, you gotta take a breather and realize what you're getting so angry about in the first place.

A few things I can agree with, is 100% the first Jake flirt option felt out of place and so did the second to an extent. In both instances you've just come out of a situation that was less then optimal and just casually flirted with him, it really felt off, but really the Companions in Fallout have a habit of doing that already and Chapter 2 is extremely fast paced with almost constant danger, so I can't get too bad at it seeing as it makes sense the player and Jake don't exactly have time to talk alone. And as General Ilene said, if you spend all the time on the side-quests and everything, it will take a LONG time to reach the first and second flirt option.

The mod isn't ruined over two flirt options, hell,
you don't even get into a relationship by the end of Chapter 2. Because Jake's character is treated like a real person and acknowledges they think the player and them should wait till things cool off.
Which is something I commend the writers for, because they're handling a romance well next to the timing of both flirt options, not having it just be a thing you got to complete 3-4 quests for and then you lay the character (coughs @ normal Fallout companions).

At the end of the day, I can understand peoples irritation. But, swearing at the developers and telling the writers they screwed up the entire mod that they dedicated the last.. how many years to? Is just unneeded and extremely rude to them. Maybe they'll add an option to remove any romance at all for you guys, but you guys have to just request it calmly and treat them like people, like the people who wanted to romance Jake did.
Yeah to be honest I hate "videogame romances" myself, but you know what I do? Just don't do them. It's an option, not critically mandatory.

But if we're bringing up the "it's a building mod, nothing else" point again, can I start repeating my objection to the mod having a can never be disabled without console commands questline that the content's locked behind? Yes I know the holotape has the "cheats" in it, but as of Chapter 2, there are two whole mechanics you literally CAN'T use without doing the story.
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First, let me apologize for my language. I had a few beers just before that rant and yes, please, allow me to elaborate.

As far as a game play mechanic, I feel that the Romance option is stupid and pointless and has no place or value in this game...IT'S A GAME!
Maybe, if there was a point to it past the companion Affinity perks you get, I could understand. I don't think that it has any place in this mod specifically
because it is a building mod. There are plenty of mods that inject Romance etc into the game if I wanted it. I chose this mod because it is a building mod.

The other thing is the fact that the conversation Romance option was the FIRST in the list. How about making it a bit harder to get to?
It makes the character seem like a desperate loser looking for the next lay. IT'S A GAME NOT A LONELY LOSERS NIGHT CLUB!!

My point: It's a Build mod not a Romance mod and I don't want that option in my game! Can there be a setting to turn it off?
I'm very sorry that my adding the option to start a romance with Jake has ruined the mod for you, but I thank you for playing up until that point. We do what we do for our players, so I'm sad to hear that I've let someone down. I'd hope you keep on playing, but if not I understand.
I'm very sorry that my adding the option to start a romance with Jake has ruined the mod for you, but I thank you for playing up until that point. We do what we do for our players, so I'm sad to hear that I've let someone down. I'd hope you keep on playing, but if not I understand.

You're honestly fine Sirick, the guy is honestly taking this way too seriously, especially over something that is literally a game. We appreciate the effort you guys have put into the mod and storyline as a whole, a lot of us are excited for Chapter 3 and are willing to help out any way we can.
RPG or not, then the populace needs to seek professional help because they are looking for love in ALL the wrong places. Try IRL..

You on the other hand need to chill out, you're taking the mod and game way too seriously. Wanting to romance a character in a game, doesn't mean someone wants to actually get in a relationship with them, nor does it mean they're trying to actually date him on a personal level. Some players wanted to romance a character because they found them to be enjoyable company while playing the mod or because they felt it made sense for their character, seeing as this game/mod is for a wide variety of audiences.

Some people like romancing characters in games, because they enjoy that part of a story. Other people, such as yourself, find it to be a waste of time which is perfectly fine. That's why the story is built to allow both options, because there are different types of players.

It's fine that you don't like it, because as stated the game is for different people, but you don't got to insult people and say they need therapy over a game. Like damn.
Its already completely optional, I dont know what else could be done short of a total rewrite just to make one person happy.

(I mean to be perfectly honest, getting called "Darlin" constantly legitimately makes me grind my teeth, but its just how it is and I know for a fact that nothing I personally want is allowed to happen, its a rule of the universe)
RPG or not, then the populace needs to seek professional help because they are looking for love in ALL the wrong places. Try IRL..
Remember a few posts ago when you called everyone here a hater? Since you obviously don’t j is what that means, I brought you this:
